OctoMap / octomap

An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees. Contains the main OctoMap library, the viewer octovis, and dynamicEDT3D.
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A problem with the rviz plugin #420

Closed Skeptic9793 closed 1 month ago

Skeptic9793 commented 1 month ago

My Ubuntu version is 20.04, The ROS version is noetic. When I used the command sudo apt-get install ros noetic octomap * to install octomap, I found that the octomap plugin cannot be used in rviz. Once the relevant plugins are added, The rviz process will immediately die. skc@skc1:~$ rosrun rviz rviz [ INFO] [1716464630.107353140]: rviz version 1.14.20 [ INFO] [1716464630.107399999]: compiled against Qt version 5.12.8 [ INFO] [1716464630.107411485]: compiled against OGRE version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon) [ INFO] [1716464630.115797038]: Forcing OpenGl version 0. [ INFO] [1716464630.549960619]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [ INFO] [1716464630.550091943]: OpenGL device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2 [ INFO] [1716464630.550123699]: OpenGl version: 4.6 (GLSL 4.6). /opt/ros/noetic/lib/rviz/rviz: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/noetic/lib//liboctomap_rviz_plugins.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4rviz16RosTopicPropertyC1ERK7QStringS3_S3_S3_PNS_8PropertyE

wxmerkt commented 1 month ago

Hi, I just tried to reproduce this with the latest binaries (rebuilt May 21st) and couldn't. Did you re-source your terminal after installing? Could you show the output of ldd /opt/ros/noetic/lib//liboctomap_rviz_plugins.so?

Skeptic9793 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I just tried to reproduce this with the latest binaries (rebuilt May 21st) and couldn't. Did you re-source your terminal after installing? Could you show the output of ldd /opt/ros/noetic/lib//liboctomap_rviz_plugins.so?

Hi, I reinstalled ROS on the day I raised the issue, and now the issue has been resolved. Unfortunately, I cannot provide this output

wxmerkt commented 1 month ago

Ok, could you close the issue then please? Glad to hear it's resolved