OctoMap / octomap_rviz_plugins

RViz display plugins for visualizing octomap messages in ROS
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Can't load in plugin #22

Closed robtac closed 4 years ago

robtac commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to load the octomap_rviz_plugin. Rviz doesn't crash, but whenever I try to add either an OccupancyMap or an OccupancyGrid, I get a red X by the name and this error shows up in Rviz: OccupancyMap The class required for this display, 'octomap_rviz_plugin/OccupancyMap', could not be loaded. Error: MultiLibraryClassLoader: Could not create class of type octomap_rviz_plugin::OccupancyMapDisplay

And in the terminal: [ERROR] [1484201014.734413090]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'octomap_rviz_plugin/OccupancyMap' failed to load. Error: MultiLibraryClassLoader: Could not create class of type octomap_rviz_plugin::OccupancyMapDisplay

Anybody know what the issue is or how to fix it?

wxmerkt commented 4 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. Please reopen if persists

HuaYuXiao commented 3 months ago

Different to author, I install octomap_rviz_plugins with sudo apt install ros-noetic-octomap*, but somehow I cannot load this plugin in rviz, any hint for me, tahnkU so much!