OctoMap / octomap_rviz_plugins

RViz display plugins for visualizing octomap messages in ROS
94 stars 65 forks source link

Melodic release #33

Closed roehling closed 5 years ago

roehling commented 6 years ago

Are there any plans to release this package for ROS Melodic? AFAICT it builds just fine.

ahornung commented 6 years ago

I can have a look at it, but don't have the resources to test myself, so I would rather prefer transferring maintenance. Any takers? (ping @wjwwood )

wjwwood commented 6 years ago

I cannot take over maintenance unfortunately, but you could ask on the "ros release" discourse group:


simonschmeisser commented 6 years ago

I have just tested the plugin as build from source on melodic and it works without changes. Given that @roehling also found no issues you could just release it untested.

If necessary I could also take over maintenance but I have no deep interest into this package and would actually need to learn what "doing a release" implies. I would then ask you a favor in return however: could you have a look why this testcase fails and if my PR makes sense: https://github.com/flexible-collision-library/fcl/pull/309 :wink:

liaoheqi123 commented 5 years ago

hi , how can l install this package in my ubuntu 18.04 ros-melodic ?

wxmerkt commented 5 years ago

I dont have access to https://github.com/ros-gbp/octomap_rviz_plugins-release.git - otherwise happy to make the release.

wjwwood commented 5 years ago

@wxmerkt I invited you to the https://github.com/orgs/ros-gbp/teams/octomap team, which would give you access. 👍

wxmerkt commented 5 years ago

Thank you @wjwwood. Melodic release made: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pull/21741

ahornung commented 5 years ago

Great, thanks!

mosquitoam commented 5 years ago

hi , how can l install this package in my ubuntu 18.04 ros-melodic ?

down load the package , put it in your workplace such as ~/catkin_ws/src and catkin_make

wxmerkt commented 5 years ago

The release has been made and will be part of the next sync.