OctoPrint / OctoPi-UpToDate

Latest OctoPi image with OctoPrint already updated to the latest release
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Feedback for the new camera-streamer based webcam stack #2

Closed foosel closed 1 year ago

foosel commented 1 year ago

πŸ‘‰ Latest image & feedback ticket can be found here πŸ‘ˆ

OctoPi 1.0.0 is out, and I also have a new camera stack for you all to test!

Over the course of the past two weeks I've been setting up a CustoPiZer build script to swap the mjpg-streamer/webcamd combo on OctoPi that currently only supports the old legacy camera stack with a new camera-streamer and systemd based setup that supports libcamera (think RPiCam v3 as well as newer Arducams on top of the old ones). Some systemd magic takes care of camera detection, hotplug and even multicam support (successfully tested with two USB cameras and one RPiv3cam).

You can find the image here: https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/releases/tag/1.0.0-1.8.7-20230309160428. Image last updated on 2023-03-09 @ 16:50UTC!

Some first config docs are available here: https://faq.octoprint.org/camera-streamer-config

And finally, this is the source tree used for the build: https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/tree/camera-streamer

❗ Please note

This image needs to be flashed to your SD card, wiping it in the process. So if you want to keep anything on there, make a backup first! You can also create an OctoPrint backup, download that, flash, restore from backup. There's no way to update to the contents of this image without a full reflash.

I hope to be able to merge this into the OctoPi-UpToDate main branch ASAP, after which it will become part of the OctoPi image distributed on the download page and RPi Imager, but some testing from others would certainly help here πŸ™‚

Please provide feedback on your experience with this image in this ticket, whether things work for you or not. Make sure to at least include the following:

GitIssueBot commented 1 year ago

This issue has been mentioned on OctoPrint Community Forum. There might be relevant details there:


Draknars commented 1 year ago

1: Everything working?

Bear in mind I am a total beginner and that just got my 3D Printer couples of days ago, but this image work perfectly for me. I was even able to seemlessly restore the backup of the default version I just had finished setting up yesterday. So far so good !

2: Pi model

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus 1Gb (Rev 1.3)

3: Used Camera

Using the new Pi Camera V3 and the quality is amazing, I'm not even sure if my 200$ webcam is better than that. the autofocus is very responsive. I may play more with the settings but i've pluged the following in the libcamera.conf and it worked like a charm :

OPTIONS='-camera-options="AfMode=2" -camera-options="AfRange=2"'

Now I just need to print a mount for it...

I will be back if I encounter any issues or to report back on the stability, @foosel anything I should be looking for?

foosel commented 1 year ago

Mostly looking for data on first run experience and longer term stability πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ Glad to hear it's looking great so far πŸ₯³

cp2004 commented 1 year ago

Some thoughts I did have....

Is it worth making the webcam streaming stuff something that can be updated in-place?

Mainly because this is relatively new, and there's a fair chance that we might find bugs or camera-streamer itself gets updated to fix issues. I guess updating camera-streamer itself would require a re-compile which could be harder to do (esp. on a Pi Zero, some issues were reported there with memory). But the scripts could change easily.

I know it would add additional complexity to something that I think should stay as simple as possible (to avoid chance for issues), but I could imagine that a small script could download a set of files from GH and overwrite them, maybe only if explicitly called with camera-streamer-control update for example.

Something that popped into my head, maybe worth a consideration for the future & try and prioritize getting this out for better camera support sooner rather than later. Interested to know thoughts.

Another point is what the logs look like. I'll give it a full poke at the weekend, but one of the most helpful parts of webcamd.log is to list the available devices, when it is in 'auto' mode to know whether a user's camera is properly connected, and I was wondering if this does a similar thing in it's logs? & it would be good to make the systeminfo bundle pick up these logs like it does webcamd through the Pi support plugin.

foosel commented 1 year ago

Is it worth making the webcam streaming stuff something that can be updated in-place?

Compiling this on-device for an update is definitely not going to be a good experience, it already takes quite long on CI, and even a few minutes on my beefier dev machine. I've been wondering if it might be possible to have a pre-compiled distribution available, but I'm worried about issues with dynamic linking, so this would probably have to be a static build. Actually something to look into in any case though because that would allow us to speed up the image build a TON again.

but one of the most helpful parts of webcamd.log is to list the available devices, when it is in 'auto' mode to know whether a user's camera is properly connected, and I was wondering if this does a similar thing in it's logs?

Currently not, but that's something that could be added. We have a bunch of systemd units to look out for now, camera-streamer, camera-streamer-libcamera, camera-streamer-usb@<name> and camera-streamer-usb-<name>.path. I guess adding some command camera-streamer-control status or something like that to output some information (basically libcamera & usb status, plus detected configurations), and have that become part of the systeminfo bundle might be helpful, on top of the logs?

it would be good to make the systeminfo bundle pick up these logs like it does webcamd through the Pi support plugin.

That's still on my TODO list actually, though so far without an actual issue on the tracker. Changed that: OctoPrint/OctoPrint-PiSupport#14

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

My LulzBot TAZ 6 printer is connected to an RPi 3B with an RPi camera V2 currently running OctoPi 0.18 and OctoPrint 1.8.6. It's not clear from the comments so far that this camera is supported by the new stack. I'd be happy to test it if you think it should work.

I also have an RPi 4B with an RPi camera V3 but no printer running a pre-release build of OctoPi 1.0.0. I will try the new image on this system and report back.

foosel commented 1 year ago

It should be supported, so please, test if possible.

Also edited the post up there to hopefully make that clearer.

foosel commented 1 year ago

To quickly cover a discussion point raised by "thecoda" under the configuration guide (where I'll remove it soon due to that being the wrong place):

Definitely a step in the right direction, though I think we're going to need some community work on camera-streamer to happen too.

For one thing I'm going to seriously miss the ability to rotate the image 180Β° if that's not supported, this is enough of a blocker that it almost prevented me from trying 1.0.0 at all. It also needs systemd unit files for both the HQ and v3 pi cameras to get optimal performance from these devices, both of which I imagine will be widely used.

To address these points:

I'm going to seriously miss the ability to rotate the image 180Β° if that's not supported

That is supported by adding -camera-vflip=1 -camera-hflip=1 to the OPTIONS (yes, both together indeed has the same result as a rotation by 180 degrees). Now also documented more clearly. What isn't supported as far as I can see is rotating by 90 or 270 degrees, but I can't say I expect there ever was much use of that to begin with (and if push comes to shove THAT can still be done within OctoPrint itself).

It also needs systemd unit files for both the HQ and v3 pi cameras to get optimal performance from these devices, both of which I imagine will be widely used.

It doesn't need more systemd files for that, that's why there are user-configurable conf files in the mix here, that come preconfigured to work with the majority of possible hardware out there. What we need are good examples for these, and the configuration guide will be a good place for sharing these.

sergon2000 commented 1 year ago

1: Everything working?

Not able to see the video stream. Octopi works fine, I could restore a previous backup but no video stream. It says "Webcam stream loading" on the Control tab. I realized the file /boot/camera-streamer/lib-camera.conf was not there so I created it with the following lines:


It still didn't work after restarting the raspberry. Am I missing something? Thanks.

2: Pi model

Raspberry Pi 4 (2 GB)

3: Used Camera

Using the new Pi Camera V3 Wide NoIR.

foosel commented 1 year ago

I realized the file /boot/camera-streamer/lib-camera.conf was not there

It's supposed to be called /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf, without a dash. Was that missing as well? If so, are you sure you flashed the right image, as in, the one linked above?

Can you please provide the output of libcamera-hello --list-cameras and also share the output of journalctl --boot -u camera-streamer-libcamera as well as journalctl --boot -u camera-streamer?

sergon2000 commented 1 year ago

I realized the file /boot/camera-streamer/lib-camera.conf was not there

It's supposed to be called /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf, without a dash. Was that missing as well? If so, are you sure you flashed the right image, as in, the one linked above?

Sorry, you were right... I flashed octopi-1.0.0-1.8.6-20230222095002 (instead of octopi-1.0.0-1.8.6-20230222114422), now both the video stream and snapshots work perfectly fine!

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

First test on my RPi 4B... I used Raspberry Pi Imager 1.7.3 with the ...4422 image (verified with MD5) and changed the hostname to rpi4b (as octopi is being used by my other system). It appears that the hostname didn't get set. WiFi didn't get setup either.

foosel commented 1 year ago

How did you modify the hostname? octopi-hostname.txt as well as octopi-password.txt iirc had issues on the first boot with OctoPi 1.0.0 in general, that's not specific to this webcam stack modification, so if you did it through that, that would explain it. Noticed this during RC3 but decided to classify it as boy l not that critical since it works on any following boots.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

I set the hostname, password, and WiFi settings in the RPi Imager. All of those settings failed. I believe they worked with the default Raspberry Pi OS image I have on another SD card.

I attached an HDMI monitor and a USB keyboard and used raspi-config to change the hostname and pi password. I edited /boot/octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt but that isn't working for WiFi. Without a network connection, there is little else I can do.

I'll see if I can find an ethernet cable.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

This is pretty annoying every time I reboot: "A stop job is running for camera-streamer (20s / 1min 30s)". It finishes after the 1min 30s).

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

With an ethernet cable I was able to connect to the OctoPrint UI and finish the first time setup. The RPi V3 camera appears to be working.

foosel commented 1 year ago

This is pretty annoying every time I reboot: "A stop job is running for camera-streamer (20s / 1min 30s)". It finishes after the 1min 30s).

Ah, shoot, I thought that was caused by a bug I fixed since I could no longer reproduce it. Wasn't able to narrow it down to a specific setup either (too many variations the past two weeks), so now I know I should try to debug this against a v3 module. Thank you!

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

Any suggestions on how to fix the WiFi setup? I'm not going to attempt to test my RPi 3B / RPi camera V2 configuration unless I solve this problem. An ethernet cable is pretty much out of the picture as well.

You mention hotplug so I guess I should ask, if I take this SD card I've built for the RPi 4B / RPi camera V3, change the hostname (so DHCP server doesn't get confused) and move it to the RPi 3B, will it detect the V2 camera and configure it (properly to be determined πŸ˜„)?

foosel commented 1 year ago

Currently not, all I can say is that raspi imager worked just fine here so far with this. Actually even am now using the very same way to provision the images in my testrig (firstrun.sh) and this image wouldn't be there is that hadn't worked.

Would be interesting to know if you have the same issues with the stock 1.0.0, since this is something that definitely wasn't touched here either.

Has anyone else here seen issues with WiFi provisioning? πŸ€”

But to your second question, yes, it should

sergon2000 commented 1 year ago

Has anyone else here seen issues with WiFi provisioning? πŸ€”

I also used RPi Imager to initially set up the WiFi credentials with no issue.

paulmaunders commented 1 year ago

I've just had a go with the new image, and it looks like the Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 is working for me! I've not tried a timelapse yet, but I can see it in the preview. Autofocus and white balance all seems to be working great!

I manually configured the wifi settings in octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt

Here are the steps I took in case it's helpful for anyone...



## WPA/WPA2 secured
  ssid="put SSID here"
  psk="put password here"
Screenshot 2023-02-24 at 11 43 41
b-morgan commented 1 year ago

After writing the 4422 image on the SD card, I checked/copied the firstrun.sh file in /boot. I inserted the image in my RPi 4B and powered it on. The hostname, password, and WiFi credentials were not set. I shutdown from my attached keyboard, moved the SD card back to my desktop, and firstrun.sh was still in /boot. Since the last line or so is "rm -f /boot/firstrun.sh", I am assuming that firstrun.sh didn't get executed.

Next I'll try the 5002 image which should be the official 1.0.0 version.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

Using the exact same steps with 5002 image was successful (i.e. firstrun.sh was executed and deleted). I'm using the same SD card for both images and I compared the firstrun.sh files from both with the only difference being the (I assume hashed) password for the user Pi.

GitIssueBot commented 1 year ago

This issue has been mentioned on OctoPrint Community Forum. There might be relevant details there:


foosel commented 1 year ago

@b-morgan I honestly have no clue what's going on there, because as I said that is exactly the kind of configuration approach I used for provisioning myself for probably now hundreds of times while creating the new camera stuff to begin with, and I didn't have an issue even once. And from the comments up there it looks like it works for others as well.

This is honestly baffling to me, especially since the modifications made here literally don't touch this, even OctoPi's build script doesn't touch this.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

Just for the hell of it I switched to a different SD card (64gb->32gb) and it worked! Previous card still has the 1.0.0 release on it and it works as well. Now to try the change hostname and boot on my RPi 3B connected to my real printer!

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

Success of sorts. The camera works but the resolution is way different than it was before. I'll have to figure out what my old settings were and see if I can duplicate that image. I guess I should re-image the SD card and try from scratch just to verify (but I'm not moving my keyboard and monitor so it better work πŸ˜ƒ )

TrainorEC commented 1 year ago

Kind of works. Using a Raspberry Pi camera module 3 wide angle version. Image quality is clear, but does not seem to be picking up the full wide angle field of view. Appears to be showing a regular field of view. I initially had this issue with RC3 build, but can't remember what was the fix that allowed to get wide angle field of view. I'm still messing with settings.

Besides the the field of view issue. Everything else seems to be stable.

Using: Raspberry Pi 4b Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 Wide

foosel commented 1 year ago

Using a Raspberry Pi camera module 3 wide angle version [...] I initially had this issue with RC3 build

Consider me very much confused here, because raspberry pi cam v3 supposedly only works with the libcamera stack, and we purposefully disabled that on OctoPi 1.0.0rc3 because the old webcam stuff isn't compatible with that. Did you manually switch to libcamera on rc3 with a different webcam server?

In any case I guess you'll need to adjust something in the OPTIONS. I added some more explanation about how to get infos on the available options on a specific camera to the config docs yesterday linked in the first post.

wafflio-cmyk commented 1 year ago

Kind of works. I have a 16mp autofocus imx519 camera, and I can see the video stream in the control tab, but it is out of focus. For the stream only works when the resolution is 1080p, even though the camera can support up to 4656 by 3496 pixels.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

Starting from scratch on the RPi 3B with an RPi camera V2 produced the same results as moving the SD card from the RPi 4B (with an RPi camera V3). The snapshot from the V2 camera on 0.18.0 is: snapshot_V2_0 18 0 and the snapshot from the V2 camera on 1.0.0 is: snapshot_V2_1 0 0 Suggestions as to what change to make the 1.0.0 image the same as 0.18.0 image are welcome πŸ˜‚

b-morgan commented 1 year ago


Says http://octopi.local/webcam/options but that results in an error. http://octopi.local/webcam/option works. Not sure which should be changed but I suggest adding an s to the actual page and leave the documentation alone (or make both work).

foosel commented 1 year ago

Documentation error, URL comes from camera-streamer.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

In https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/issues/2#issuecomment-1444341655

(sudo systemctl {start|stop|restart} camera-service) I think should be (sudo systemctl {start|stop|restart} camera-streamer)

TrainorEC commented 1 year ago

Consider me very much confused here, because raspberry pi cam v3 supposedly only works with the libcamera stack, and we purposefully disabled that on OctoPi 1.0.0rc3 because the old webcam stuff isn't compatible with that. Did you manually switch to libcamera on rc3 with a different webcam server?

Instead of going back to the rc3 build I went and used the RPi Imager build(20230222095002). Now, I've got 2 builds I am trying out. The build you have provided here(20230222114422) and the RPi Imager build(20230222095002). For the RPi Imager build I ran an additional script provided by ltlowe (https://community.octoprint.org/t/pi-camera-v3-imx-chipset-based-cameras-not-working/49022/72). I'm getting images from both, but the RPi Imager build with the added script is providing the wide lens image as you can see below. PiCam3 PiCamWide

Unfortunately, I am not a coder and the only differences I am seeing between the two builds is some file structure differences. So I'm not sure if this is just user error.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

@TrainorEC, It's not user error. The parameters (options) on the camera are different between the two builds. Unfortunately, the expertise necessary to figure out those differences are not readily available. Once we know what "knobs" to turn, there are plenty of knobs available.

paulmaunders commented 1 year ago

@b-morgan You could try adjusting the height, width and frame rate in /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf

It defaults to 1280x720@15 fps. I was able to get 1536x864@30 fps working with my Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3.


  1. Edit /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf and change the following lines:
    # The resolution to set on the camera. Defaults to 1280x720.

The framerate to set on the camera. Defaults to 15fps.


2. Restart the camera-streamer-libcamera service
```sudo systemctl restart camera-streamer-libcamera```

Even though they are the same aspect ratio, you can see the zoom is slightly different. 


<img width="1280" alt="Screenshot 2023-02-25 at 15 17 44" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/245434/221366778-454ee003-30cb-46b4-8ff4-0e62c760b21d.png">


<img width="1480" alt="Screenshot 2023-02-25 at 15 51 38" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/245434/221366781-2cdd0989-d22b-4b8a-93fe-84ba88f6d4b1.png">
b-morgan commented 1 year ago

@paulmaunders, thanks for the tip. At the moment, I'm not as concerned about the camera V3 settings because I haven't put it to use yet.

I am, however, concerned about the camera V2 settings because that camera is deployed monitoring my LulzBot TAZ 6 printer and the default settings out of the box are worthless. I tried changing the resolution but that didn't help so I need to figure out what other settings need to be changed to get back to the view I had with the default mjpg-streamer settings on OctoPi 0.18.0.

On OctoPi 0.18.0 (and previous versions), the defaults of 640x480, 10fps worked so I didn't need to do anything but print a case, position the camera, and manually adjust the focus. I think the option I need is ScalerCrop but I have no idea what values to use (or their format).

ltlowe commented 1 year ago

@TrainorEC (and anyone else who has used my script) I have not tried the final 1.0.0 image, nor foosel's new camera support yet and may not have a chance to this weekend. I see here that there is a single setting for resolution, but the latest camera-streamer supports setting separate resolution for camera, stream, and video. Depending on which version is used, you may be seeing different fields of view. I have read that some modes are crops rather than full sensor.

I was going to try out the latest streamer and update my scripts for it, but I think that everyone's effort is better put into helping test foosel's integration. As soon as I get time, I will be reading the latest here and trying it out for myself.

GitIssueBot commented 1 year ago

This issue has been mentioned on OctoPrint Community Forum. There might be relevant details there:


b-morgan commented 1 year ago

I've made some progress in attempting to resolve my camera V2 issue. First, I stopped the camera-streamer with: sudo systemctl stop camera-streamer then I executed the following: libcamera-hello --list-cameras

Available cameras
0 : imx219 [3280x2464] (/base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10)
    Modes: 'SBGGR10_CSI2P' : 640x480 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]
                             1640x1232 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]
                             1920x1080 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]
                             3280x2464 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]
           'SBGGR8' : 640x480 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]
                      1640x1232 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]
                      1920x1080 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]
                      3280x2464 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]

and: libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpg --width=640 --height=480 which resulted in: test This is very close to the image displayed in the OctoPrint control tab on OctoPi 0.18.0. Next, I restarted the camera-streamer with: sudo systemctl start camera-streamer and the image displayed in the OctoPrint control tab on OctoPi 1.0.0 (4022) is back to the zoomed in version as posted above.

Any suggestions on how to determine why the camera-streamer is behaving this way?

bmorgan99 commented 1 year ago

Works a treat for me! Resolution reported varies a bit.

Raspy 3B Pi Camera Module 3

/boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf PORT=8080 WIDTH=1640 HEIGHT=1232 FRAMERATE=30 OPTIONS= camera-options=AfMode=2 -camera-options=AfRange=2

I guess this is meaningless: libcamera-hello --list-cameras Available cameras 0 : imx708 [4608x2592] (/base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx708@1a) Modes: 'SBGGR10_CSI2P' : 1536x864 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop] 2304x1296 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop] 4608x2592 [30.00 fps - (0, 0)/0x0 crop]

VLC ( Stream0 Code Motion JPEG video MJPG Video Resolution: 1632x1216

camera-streamer --help Configuration: -camera-path= -camera-type= v4l2 - 00000000 -camera-width= 1920 -camera-height= 1080 -camera-format= DEFAULT - 00000000 -camera-nbufs= 3 -camera-fps= 30 -camera-allow_dma= 1 -camera-high_res_factor= 0.007813 -camera-low_res_factor= 0.000000 -camera-auto_reconnect= 0 -camera-auto_focus= 1 -camera-vflip= 0 -camera-hflip= 0 -camera-jpeg.options= compression_quality=80 -camera-h264.options= video_bitrate_mode=0 -camera-h264.options= video_bitrate=2000000 -camera-h264.options= repeat_sequence_header=5000000 -camera-h264.options= h264_i_frame_period=30 -camera-h264.options= h264_level=11 -camera-h264.options= h264_profile=4 -camera-h264.options= h264_minimum_qp_value=16 -camera-h264.options= h264_maximum_qp_value=32 -camera-list_options= 0 -http-port= 8080 -http-maxcons= 10 -rtsp-port= 0 -log-debug= 0 -log-verbose= 0


Draknars commented 1 year ago

1: Everything working?

Bear in mind I am a total beginner and that just got my 3D Printer couples of days ago, but this image work perfectly for me. I was even able to seemlessly restore the backup of the default version I just had finished setting up yesterday. So far so good !

2: Pi model

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus 1Gb (Rev 1.3)

3: Used Camera

Using the new Pi Camera V3 and the quality is amazing, I'm not even sure if my 200$ webcam is better than that. the autofocus is very responsive. I may play more with the settings but i've pluged the following in the libcamera.conf and it worked like a charm :

OPTIONS='-camera-options="AfMode=2" -camera-options="AfRange=2"'

Now I just need to print a mount for it...

I will be back if I encounter any issues or to report back on the stability, @foosel anything I should be looking for?

Mostly looking for data on first run experience and longer term stability πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ Glad to hear it's looking great so far πŸ₯³

Coming back with an update, for some reason the video feed in octopi seems to something freeze. happened twice so far:

On the left, is the URL directly (/webcam/?action=stream) , on the right octopi, I was few minutes in the printing and it was not responsive. As I was writting this post, it came back after by itself, I am not sure if it was because I access the URL directly or if it was just by waiting.



ayufan commented 1 year ago

The camera-streamer had a few bugs that were fixed last days - critical causing stability issues.

I would strongly advise updating to https://github.com/ayufan/camera-streamer/tree/develop. It also updates how resolutions are handled and drops usage of ?res=low. In general there are those four:

My advised settings is to:

You can see those params in action:

foosel commented 1 year ago

@ayufan Thanks for chiming in @ayufan! I'm just in the process of preparing an updated image with the latest stable branch, but in that case I guess I'll rather look into pulling from develop then.

I think I also identified the issue where the camera-streamer service was blocking a reboot, at least I can no longer reproduce this after changing the service's KillMode.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

Looking forward to the updated image and I hope you use the develop branch as I think that may help fix my camera V2 issue.

foosel commented 1 year ago

New build is running now, should be done in 20min or so, will link it here then (or possibly tomorrow, my back is telling me I need to get away from my chair) and update the OP.


ayufan commented 1 year ago

@foosel Correct. For USB cams if you don't change resolution it will not do decode JPEG>rescale>encode JPEG/H264 process, it will blindly passthrough MJPEG with addition of decode>encode H264 that will not be used unless you access camera via /video or /webrtc.

ayufan commented 1 year ago

I'm also waiting for feedback on develop branch, once it is confirmed to be stable will merge it into master.

foosel commented 1 year ago

New image here: https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/releases/tag/1.0.0-1.8.6-20230228172408 Outdated, latest always see https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/issues/2#issue-1595057632

@ayufan well, I hope we'll get some feedback out of this for you :)