OctoPrint / OctoPi-UpToDate

Latest OctoPi image with OctoPrint already updated to the latest release
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Feedback for the latest camera-streamer based webcam stack build (20230504122418) #5

Closed foosel closed 1 year ago

foosel commented 1 year ago

πŸ‘‰ Latest image & feedback ticket can be found here πŸ‘ˆ

This is a ticket to collect feedback on the latest build of the new camera stack (some background on that here) for OctoPi-UpToDate, 20230504122418. Find the image here: https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/releases/tag/1.0.0-1.8.7-20230504122418

Changes compared to the previous version:

This should hopefully now cover all pain points reported on past iterations.

(Compare view)

Some first config docs are available here: https://faq.octoprint.org/camera-streamer-config

The source tree used for the build is here: https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/tree/camera-streamer

❗ Please note

This image needs to be flashed to your SD card, wiping it in the process. So if you want to keep anything on there, make a backup first! You can also create an OctoPrint backup, download that, flash, restore from backup. There's no way to update to the contents of this image without a full reflash.

Please provide feedback on your experience with this image in this ticket, whether things work for you or not. Make sure to at least include the following:

Known issues:

Currently none.

Common pitfalls:

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

Installed on an RPi 4B with an RPi camera V3. Updated to 1.9.0rc5 successfully. Some strangeness with the camera view on the Control tab that I need to investigate more carefully.

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

After investigating more carefully, the camera view issue has been resolved. It may have been operator error regarding the hflip and vflip checkboxes due to the fact that they moved from the Webcam & Timelapse settings on 1.8.7 to the Classic Webcam plugin settings on 1.9.0rc5.

Ruhel786 commented 1 year ago

Installed on both my test system (Pi4B 4GB + RasPi CamV3 +HyperPixel 4 rectangle) and my main system (Pi4B 2GB + RasPi CamV3 +HyperPixel 4 square) Initially, the Wifi would not connect when the image had finished loading up. I was able to use raspi-config to set up the WiFi data again and it worked. I used RasPi Imager V1.7.4 on my Windows 11 PC. I did not get the same problem when using the MacBook Pro version to create the SD card.

Everything working? Working perfectly and I was able to restore my backup without any issues.

Pi model + used cameras Pi4B 4GB + RasPi CamV3 +HyperPixel 4 rectangle Pi4B 2GB + RasPi CamV3 +HyperPixel 4 square


flipside101 commented 1 year ago

Everything working - Not OOTB if you want Autofocus Pi model - 3b used cameras - Arducam 16mp AF in case of issues: https://paste.octoprint.org/GQJEZqcI5Z

Did i do anything weird?

Update: Arducam confirmed that the AF updates to libcamera are not planned to be upstreamed to pi/libcamera anytime soon

They so confirmed the install of their libcamera removed camera-streamer so the recompile/symlink looks like it's needed for AF to function.

foosel commented 1 year ago

@flipside101 recompiling camera-streamer pretty much nuked the whole test I fear. The goal here is to figure out if stuff on the image works as it is, so if you start replacing parts with custom builds, especially the core of the camera stack that this is all about, it's a bit unhelpful πŸ˜…

In any case, from the looks of it the current version on the master branch of camera-streamer is still the very same that's packaged up here and installed on the image, and from the looks of your logs, that version started up fine on May 7th at 14:29, but earlier indeed the binary seems to have gotten lost, possibly due to your recompile?

For comparison, this is from a fresh flash of the image, with an RPiCam v3 module:

pi@octopib:~ $ cat /etc/octopiuptodate_build 
pi@octopib:~ $ which camera-streamer
pi@octopib:~ $ camera-streamer --version
v0.1-21-g54f538e (54f538e)
pi@octopib:~ $ dpkg -L camera-streamer

The binary is sitting where it's expected, /usr/bin/camera-streamer, and that's also where it got installed to by the aforementioned debian package.

flipside101 commented 1 year ago

@foosel Hi The earlier logs are before the recompile, though after the arducam driver install. The May 7th logs are after the recompile and sym link

I'll restart again and document the steps better but as i said it didn't seem to work OOTB even with the drivers installed and dtoverlay entry whilst I good get a picture off the camera and all the needed devices looked to be working it was only after recompiling camera-streamer that it worked. Oh and I only thought about doing that as it was suggested in an earlier post by ayufan with ref to using teh AF https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/issues/2#issuecomment-1486638369

b-morgan commented 1 year ago

@flipside101, Didn't you post that the camera is an Arducam 16mp AF? @foosel's reply referenced the RPi camera V3. Are there are extra steps involved to get the Arducam working?

flipside101 commented 1 year ago

@b-morgan I believe so yes and ive listed them in the discussion thread- https://community.octoprint.org/t/discussing-the-new-camera-streamer-based-webcam-stack-for-octopi-currently-in-development/50866/25. Im going to restest and ill document there so not to clog up here.

adriaanb commented 1 year ago

Not sure if this is relevant feedback as the camera itself seems to be working just fine, but I thought I'd share regardless.

flipside101 commented 1 year ago

Everything working - Yes for manual focus Pi model - 3b used cameras - Arducam 16mp AF

updates needed to enable /boot/config.txt dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-128 gpu_mem=128 # preferred 160 or 256MB dtoverlay=imx519

/boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf hash out/delete the line - --camera-options="AfMode=2" --camera-options="AfRange=2"

wlayher commented 1 year ago

Everything working: yes Pi Pi4B 4GB RaspiCam V3 AF Was on 1.9.0rc6 before, made backup, then fresh install including setup, upgraded back to 1.9.0rc6, restored backup, everything still ok, camera working, including AF.

GitIssueBot commented 1 year ago

This issue has been mentioned on OctoPrint Community Forum. There might be relevant details there:


n00b42 commented 1 year ago

Everything working: seems to work fine on first tests. Model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 Camera 1: Raspberry Pi V2.1, 8 MP 1080P Camera-Modul Camera 2: Creative Technology Ltd / Live Cam Sync HD VF0770


Nevio024 commented 1 year ago

Everything working? No, I did the two steps described by @flipside101

in /boot/config.txt I put: [all] dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-128 gpu_mem=128 # preferred 160 or 256MB dtoverlay=imx519

and in /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf I uncommented:

OPTIONS='--camera-options="AfMode=2" --camera-options="AfRange=2"'

Octoprint says: "Webcam Stream not loaded" There is no camera found in /webcam/?action=stream

Pi model Pi 3b+

used cameras Arducam 16MP AF IMX519

Issue log https://paste.octoprint.org/rmCLvg0N1h)

How do I fix this? PS: I have been testing many different versions in the last few days and one time (don't remember the version and what steps I did) there was a stream, but it was just a Blackscreen.)

flipside101 commented 1 year ago

You still have AF active so Camera-S treamer isn't starting, you need to hash out the AF lines so they are not active

Nevio024 commented 1 year ago

You still have AF active so Camera-S treamer isn't starting, you need to hash out the AF lines so they are not active

This is what my libcamera.conf looks like:

Options for libcamera based cameras (PiCam, Arducam, ...)

The port on which the webcam server for the camera should listen on. If you have only

one camera, leave at 8080. If you have more, change to 8081, 8082, etc. The primary

camera will be considered the one with 8080.


The resolution to request on the camera sensor. Defaults to 1280x720.

WIDTH=1920 HEIGHT=1080

The height to use for the video stream. Defaults to 720.


The height to use for the snapshots. Defaults to 1080.


The framerate to set on the camera. Defaults to 15fps.


Additional options. By default enables continuous auto focus (if possible).

OPTIONS='--camera-options="AfMode=2" --camera-options="AfRange=2"'

What do I need to change?

wlayher commented 1 year ago

Just to confirm, the instructions from @flipside101 work for me on a Pi4 and an Arducam 16MP AF with manual focus.

Nevio024 commented 1 year ago

Just to confirm, the instructions from @flipside101 work for me on a Pi4 and an Arducam 16MP AF with manual focus.

What am I doing wrong?

wlayher commented 1 year ago

In case you removed the "#" from the second line, you need to put it back and reboot.

Additional options. By default enables continuous auto focus (if possible).

OPTIONS='--camera-options="AfMode=2" --camera-options="AfRange=2"'

wlayher commented 1 year ago

To clarify, this is in another file, not /boot/config.txt, but /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf

Nevio024 commented 1 year ago

To clarify, this is in another file, not /boot/config.txt, but /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf

In the /boot/config.txt I put the stuff in, and /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf I uncommented it.

wlayher commented 1 year ago

Uncommenting is removing the "#", adding a "#" in front of a line is called making the line a comment. In short, the line must start with a # , everything after that character is ignored by the Pi.

Nevio024 commented 1 year ago

Uncommenting is removing the "#", adding a "#" in front of a line is called making the line a comment. In short, the line must start with a # , everything after that character is ignored by the Pi.

It worked!!!! I think I didn't write it out properly. It's still a little slow, can I change the fps somehow?

wlayher commented 1 year ago

The framerate to set on the camera. Defaults to 15fps.

FRAMERATE=15 Change that value, but this could be too much for your connection or your Pi at 25

Nevio024 commented 1 year ago

The framerate to set on the camera. Defaults to 15fps. FRAMERATE=15 Change that value, but this could be too much for your connection or your Pi at 25

Does 20 work without issues? Also can I try and change the video pixels from 720 to 1080?

wlayher commented 1 year ago

Try and you shall learn! :-) I did not change these values so far.

Nevio024 commented 1 year ago

So, here we go again:

Everything working?

Yes! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

Pi model

Raspberry Pi 3b+

used cameras

16MP Arducam Autofocus IMX 519

Tutorial for everyone who needs it:

To make it work I did these two steps described by @flipside101: At first SSH into the Pi. If you don't know how, look it up on the internet.

In the root directory of the Pi type: cd /boot sudo nano config.txt

Then put the following unter the header "[all]":

dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-128 gpu_mem=128 # preferred 160 or 256MB dtoverlay=imx519

Write out the file by pressing "Ctrl+O" and then "Enter". You can exit the file with "Ctrl+X".

Next, open the "libcamera.conf" file by pasting the following commands into the terminal: cd camera-streamer sudo nano libcamera.conf

Put a "#" in front of the following:

OPTIONS='--camera-options="AfMode=2" --camera-options="AfRange=2"'

Putting a "#" in front of something, makes it a comment. Comments don't get read by the system.
Write out the file by pressing "Ctrl+O" and then "Enter". Exit the file with "Ctrl+X".

In your camera settings in Octoprint you should have:


Everything should be working and you should be up and running.

n00b42 commented 1 year ago

Everything working: seems to work fine on first tests. Model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 Camera 1: Raspberry Pi V2.1, 8 MP 1080P Camera-Modul Camera 2: Creative Technology Ltd / Live Cam Sync HD VF0770


* Blank flash/install, no backup used

* `sudo remove-usb-camera default`, `sudo add-usb-camera livecamsynchd`  (as  suggested in the docs)

* Additionaly (maybe add to docs): edited `haproxy.cfg` to add a `webcam2` path for the second cam.

* installed `MultiCam` plugin and configured usb camera using `webcam2` path / port 8081

For some reason, the libcamera / PiCam sometimes (I think only after a cold boot) does not come up, either restarting the service or a warm reboot help.

The journalctl (before I restart the service) only logs:

May 23 09:08:07 octopi sh[584]: util/http/http.c: HTTP8080/3: Client connected (fd=5).
May 23 09:08:07 octopi sh[584]: util/http/http.c: HTTP8080/3: Request 'GET' '/' 'action=stream'
May 23 09:08:07 octopi sh[584]: device/links.c: CAMERA:capture: Stale detected. Restarting streaming...
May 23 09:08:07 octopi sh[584]: device/buffer_list.c: CAMERA:capture: Streaming stopped... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:08:07 octopi sh[584]: device/buffer_list.c: CAMERA:capture: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:08:09 octopi sh[584]: util/http/http.c: HTTP8080/3: Client disconnected

After the service restart it logs quite a lot:

May 23 09:09:37 octopi systemd[1]: Stopping camera-streamer libcamera...
May 23 09:09:37 octopi systemd[1]: camera-streamer-libcamera.service: Succeeded.
May 23 09:09:37 octopi systemd[1]: Stopped camera-streamer libcamera.
May 23 09:09:37 octopi systemd[1]: camera-streamer-libcamera.service: Consumed 5.411s CPU time.
May 23 09:09:37 octopi systemd[1]: Starting camera-streamer libcamera...
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1297]: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10
May 23 09:09:38 octopi systemd[1]: Started camera-streamer libcamera.
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: /usr/bin/camera-streamer Version: v0.1-21-g54f538e (54f538e)
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: [0:28:05.282432363] [1304]  INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:299 libcamera v0.0.4+22-923f5d70
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: [0:28:05.338273819] [1322]  WARN RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1357 Mismatch between Unicam and CamHelper for embedded data usage!
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: [0:28:05.339588081] [1322]  INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1476 Registered camera /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10 to Unicam dev>
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/libcamera/device.cc: CAMERA: Device path=/base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10 opened
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: [0:28:05.342351917] [1304]  INFO Camera camera.cpp:1028 configuring streams: (0) 1920x1080-YUYV
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: [0:28:05.342915715] [1322]  INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:851 Sensor: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10 - Selected sensor format>
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: [0:28:05.345941893] [1304]  INFO Camera camera.cpp:1028 configuring streams: (0) 1920x1080-YUYV (1) 1920x1080-SBGGR10_CSI2P
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: [0:28:05.346425744] [1322]  INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:851 Sensor: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10 - Selected sensor format>
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: CAMERA:capture: Using: 1920x1080/YUYV, buffers=2, bytesperline=3840, sizeimage=0.0MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: CAMERA:capture: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 7.9 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: CAMERA:capture:1: Using: 1920x1080/BG10, buffers=2, bytesperline=2400, sizeimage=0.0MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: CAMERA:capture:1: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 4.9 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device.c: SNAPSHOT: Device path=/dev/video31 fd=39 opened
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/buffer_list.c: SNAPSHOT:output:mplane: Requested resolution=1920x1080 is unavailable. Got 1920x1088.
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: SNAPSHOT:output:mplane: Using: 1920x1056/YUYV, buffers=2, bytesperline=3840, sizeimage=3.9MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: SNAPSHOT:output:mplane: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 0.0 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: SNAPSHOT:capture:mplane: Using: 1920x1056/JPEG, buffers=2, bytesperline=0, sizeimage=4.0MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: SNAPSHOT:capture:mplane: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 8.0 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device.c: RESCALLER:STREAM: Device path=/dev/video12 fd=42 opened
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: RESCALLER:STREAM:output:mplane: Using: 1920x1080/YUYV, buffers=2, bytesperline=3840, sizeimage=4.0MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: RESCALLER:STREAM:output:mplane: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 0.0 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: RESCALLER:STREAM:capture:mplane: Using: 1312x736/YUYV, buffers=2, bytesperline=2624, sizeimage=1.8MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: RESCALLER:STREAM:capture:mplane: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 3.7 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device.c: STREAM: Device path=/dev/video31 fd=45 opened
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: STREAM:output:mplane: Using: 1312x736/YUYV, buffers=2, bytesperline=2624, sizeimage=1.8MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: STREAM:output:mplane: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 0.0 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: STREAM:capture:mplane: Using: 1312x736/JPEG, buffers=2, bytesperline=0, sizeimage=4.0MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: STREAM:capture:mplane: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 8.0 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device.c: VIDEO: Device path=/dev/video11 fd=48 opened
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: VIDEO:output:mplane: Using: 1312x736/YUYV, buffers=2, bytesperline=2624, sizeimage=1.8MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: VIDEO:output:mplane: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 0.0 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: VIDEO:capture:mplane: Using: 1312x736/H264, buffers=2, bytesperline=0, sizeimage=0.8MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: VIDEO:capture:mplane: Opened 2 buffers. Memory used: 1.5 MiB
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/device.c: CAMERA: Setting frame interval_us=0 for FPS=15
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: SNAPSHOT: Configuring option compressionquality (009d0903) = 80
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: STREAM: Configuring option compressionquality (009d0903) = 80
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option repeatsequenceheader (009909e2) = 1
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option videobitratemode (009909ce) = 0
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option videobitrate (009909cf) = 2000000
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option repeatsequenceheader (009909e2) = 5000000
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option h264iframeperiod (00990a66) = 30
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option h264level (00990a67) = 11
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option h264profile (00990a6b) = 4
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option h264minimumqpvalue (00990a61) = 16
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/v4l2/device_options.c: VIDEO: Configuring option h264maximumqpvalue (00990a62) = 32
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/links.c: ?: Link 0: CAMERA:capture[1920x1080/YUYV/2] => [SNAPSHOT:output:mplane[1920x1056/YUYV/2], RESCALLER:STREAM:>
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/links.c: ?: Link 1: SNAPSHOT:capture:mplane[1920x1056/JPEG/2] => [SNAPSHOT-CAPTURE]
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/links.c: ?: Link 2: RESCALLER:STREAM:capture:mplane[1312x736/YUYV/2] => [STREAM:output:mplane[1312x736/YUYV/2], VIDE>
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/links.c: ?: Link 3: STREAM:capture:mplane[1312x736/JPEG/2] => [STREAM-CAPTURE]
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/links.c: ?: Link 4: VIDEO:capture:mplane[1312x736/H264/2] => [VIDEO-CAPTURE]
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: CAMERA:capture: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: SNAPSHOT:output:mplane: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: RESCALLER:STREAM:output:mplane: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: SNAPSHOT:capture:mplane: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: RESCALLER:STREAM:capture:mplane: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: STREAM:output:mplane: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: VIDEO:output:mplane: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: STREAM:capture:mplane: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:38 octopi sh[1304]: device/buffer_list.c: VIDEO:capture:mplane: Streaming started... Was 0 of 2 enqueud
May 23 09:09:55 octopi sh[1304]: util/http/http.c: HTTP8080/0: Client connected (fd=4).
May 23 09:09:55 octopi sh[1304]: util/http/http.c: HTTP8080/0: Request 'GET' '/' 'action=stream'
May 23 09:09:58 octopi sh[1304]: util/http/http.c: HTTP8080/0: Client disconnected

Could there be an (timing) issue with boot/initialization?

foosel commented 1 year ago

Could there be an (timing) issue with boot/initialization?

None that I'm aware of, but that "Stale detected" looks like something I've seen in the past as well, with similar symptoms. @ayufan Any ideas what could cause this?

Since the feedback in general looked promising enough regarding stability now, I've gone forward and decided on doing a soft launch.


RPi imager now allows to install the latest build, but the standard one is still there as well and marked as "stable". That should hopefully lead to some more testing yet.

foosel commented 1 year ago

New OctoPrint released today, 1.9.0, therefore new image and thus new feedback ticket, see #6

ayufan commented 1 year ago

@n00b42 @foosel Yes, I see it also on mine. Sometimes it takes slightly longer for bootup, and then subsequent restart is needed. I have my systemd configured to auto restart in 3-5 seconds.