Octoberfest7 / TeamsPhisher

Send phishing messages and attachments to Microsoft Teams users
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Update teamsphisher.py with new Bypass Technique #30

Closed almart closed 5 months ago

almart commented 5 months ago

Purpose: There is a new Teams message warning bypass which requires users to send a message and remove themselves from the group chat. The previous bypass was patched by Microsoft which results in external users to receive a warning banner.

TeamsPhisher already invites the user twice, so the only modification was to create a new function. Users of TeamsPhisher may want to keep the message warning depending on the pretext and what they are attempting to accomplish. I have not created an option to do this yet.

Main Change: Created a new function called removeExternalUser which deletes the "targetInfo" member once a chat is created. This function is called on line 804 once a new real thread/message is sent.

removeExternalUser(skypeToken, senderInfo, threadID, targetInfo)

Bypass Details pfiatde blog Credit: https://twitter.com/pfiatde Original Tweet: https://x.com/pfiatde/status/1745821948787974481?s=20

Tests Ran:

Assisted by DenSecure team @stevesec and @almart