Octoberfest7 / TeamsPhisher

Send phishing messages and attachments to Microsoft Teams users
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possible sharepoint leak #7

Closed Danielg75 closed 1 year ago

Danielg75 commented 1 year ago


Why does this line contain references to your sharepoint? This message is sent to victims and contains our sharepoint but also sends your sharepoint URL.

LaRancion commented 1 year ago

seems strange as it uses the info of our sharepoint (URL and Shareid) in the link with the teamphisher sharepoint inviteInfo.get('d').get('ShareLink').get('sharingLinkInfo').get('Url'),inviteInfo.get('d').get('ShareLink').get('sharingLinkInfo').get('ShareId')

I ight be wrong tough

Octoberfest7 commented 1 year ago

This was an oversight on my part and has been fixed. Thanks for your report. If you wouldn't mind editing/scrubbing your issue I would appreciate it.

Danielg75 commented 1 year ago

I can edit my issue, however history is preserved in GIT, so it can't entirely be erased as your edit will be traceable.

Octoberfest7 commented 1 year ago

Yeah understood. I appreciate you looking out.