Open JoMaZu787 opened 3 weeks ago
you probably need to set another waypoint closer to the landing waypoint
changed it to this i start the flight on the ground at -166 -3000 and now it makes it to the index 1 waypoint but when trying to land it shows NO AUTOLAND and SET TOGA THR and then sets weak reverse thrust and sinks down slowly.
assuming that the landing altitude is -61
(since you mentioned being in a superflat world), the aircraft would need to descend 101 blocks vertically in just 378 blocks horizontally. for the autopilot, this is quite a difficult task.
in my testing the best altitude for the approach waypoint is about 15-25 blocks above the destination altitude
the autopilot & flight planner are very picky about autolands and unfortunately I haven't added any messages to help the user understand what's wrong
I'll keep this issue open and in mind when re-developing autopilot and autoland in 3.0.0.
ok i lowered the altitude of the index 1 wp a lot and moved the index 0 wp further away to make the descent between those less steep and it works now, but it does give a TOO LOW - TERRAIN warning like 0.5 seconds before touchdown because the -15% thrust it sets makes it go backwards briefly
Currently, when I try to make the Autopilot land in a superflat world by adding a waypoint ~1000 blocks away from the landing target with target Alt. 100 and speed 20, and a landing waypoint at the target with minimums 20 aboveGround, then start the flight by taking off manually ~2000 blocks from the first waypoint, then engage the AP and A/THR, it slowly sinks below the target altitude, pulls up just in time to hit the waypoint, flies towards the landing target but then just circles above the landing waypoint forever.