Octops / agones-event-broadcaster

Broadcast Agones GameServers and Fleets states to the external world
Apache License 2.0
25 stars 6 forks source link

Compatibility with cloudevents.io specification? #6

Open petemounce opened 4 years ago

petemounce commented 4 years ago

This looks really useful! Thank you for publishing it.

Have you thought about emitting events that are compatible with the https://cloudevents.io/ spec, for easier interop with subscribers? It's an emerging spec.

https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/master/primer.md is a good primer.

danieloliveira079 commented 4 years ago

@petemounce that looks really great. I will investigate that further. However, the broadcaster only requires a broker that implements the Broker interface. That means, for folks interested in this kind of integration that is the only requirement.