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Audit filtering by Account document types returns less results than expected #5854

Open flin-8 opened 5 years ago

flin-8 commented 5 years ago

Are you a customer of Octopus Deploy? Don't raise the issue here. Please contact our support team so we can triage your issue, making sure it's handled appropriately.


The bug

When you try to filter audit logs by document type and you choose "Account", you will only see results for accounts that are of type: azuresubscription, usernamepassword and azureserviceprincipal. Old accounts that had ID's starting with Accounts- or Amazone accounts wouldn't be included.

This is caused by the api/events/documenttypes returning only a subset of possible account types (code).

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create an Amazon Account
  2. Go to 'Configuration' -> 'Audit'
  3. See that the account creation shows in the audit log
  4. Show advanced filters
  5. Filter by 'Account' document type
  6. See that the account creation doesn't show

Screen capture


Affected versions

Tested on Octopus Server: 2019.8.4


Don't filter on Accounts.

thedewi commented 5 years ago

Audit filtering by Account document types returns less results than expected

flin-8 commented 5 years ago

Suggest we add a [RelatedDocumentTable] column to the [EventRelatedDocument] table (inspired by the [RelatedDocument] table). This way we can just filter by the type rather than by the ID prefix.