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Octopus container Tentacle configuration script can't script register tentacle #6836

Open adamoctoclose opened 3 years ago

adamoctoclose commented 3 years ago

Are you a customer of Octopus Deploy? Don't raise the issue here. Please contact our support team so we can triage your issue, making sure it's handled appropriately.


The bug

Script to configure tentacle in Octopus the tentacle container always assumes it will register with the Octopus server. If the tentacle can't communicate with the Octopus Server outbound then the tentacle container will fail to start. If you have a tentacle running in listening mode but dosn't have outbound access to the Octopus Server then you can't use the default Octopus Container.

What I expected to happen

There should be an option to include a server thumbprint when starting the container and the option to skip the registerTentacle function.

Affected versions

Octopus Server: 2020.6


Customer can build a custom image for the container and adjust the tentacle configuration script.

matt-richardson commented 3 years ago

This is possible, though it's not very obvious. If you set the ServerPort variable it will go into polling mode and register with the server

(I found this recently on my home setup)