OctopusDeploy / Issues

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On Test Permissions switching to space filtering then back to system doesn't show the export button #8511

Open SeanStanway-Octopus opened 10 months ago

SeanStanway-Octopus commented 10 months ago


Noticed internally, no customer reports



Latest Version


What happened?

On Configuration > Test Permissions when you select "Show permissions within a specific space" the export button is removed while the user selects a space. If you do not select a space and switch to "Show system permissions" the export button does not re-appear even though it should. Have to refresh to get it to come back.


  1. Go to Configuration > Test Permissions
  2. Select any user
  3. Select "Show permissions within a specific space", but do not select a space.
  4. Observe the export button is not on the page. image
  5. Switch to "Show system permissions".
  6. Observe the button does not re-appear. image

Error and Stacktrace

No response

More Information

Screenshots in reproduction


Have to refresh to get button to re-appear.

michelle-luana commented 7 months ago

The Octopus engineering team has reviewed this issue.
After careful consideration, we’ve classed this low priority. This means we won’t work on it in the near future. We prioritize issues based on the number of people affected, the impact type, and available workarounds. If you’ve encountered this issue and haven’t informed our support team, please email support@octopus.com. Knowing how many people this issue affects helps us determine its priority.