OctopusDeploy / Issues

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Deployment Target Package Extraction to Multiple Targets: Extracted package path not found #8721

Open briggs-octo opened 5 months ago

briggs-octo commented 5 months ago


1 customer report



Latest Version

Not applicable

What happened?

When a package is deployed to multiple deployment targets, the package is uploaded to the deployment targets successfully, but later in the deployment it can't find the package/extracted package path on certain targets.

This issue appears to occur intermittently, and the failure occurs because the target is keying on the package path from another machine in the deployment.


Private ticket link: https://octopus.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/175219

Error and Stacktrace

08:33:13   Verbose  |         Package 'packageName' was not found at 'D:\Octopus\Files\example@S1.0.0.498@07823883B2A527.nupkg', skipping extraction
08:33:15   Error    |         OperationStopped: Extracted package path not found
08:33:15   Error    |         At D:\Octopus\Work\TVljrsSaU0y54IT\Script.ps1:87 char:1
08:33:15   Error    |         + throw "Extracted package path not found"
08:33:15   Error    |         + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
08:33:15   Error    |         at <ScriptBlock>, D:\Octopus\Work\TVljrsSaU0y54IT\Script.ps1: line 87
08:33:15   Error    |         at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 1
08:33:15   Error    |         at <ScriptBlock>, D:\Octopus\Work\TVljrsSaU0y54IT\Octopus.FunctionAppenderContext.ps1: line 244
08:33:15   Error    |         at <ScriptBlock>, D:\Octopus\Work\TVljrsSaU0y54IT\Bootstrap.Octopus.FunctionAppenderContext.ps1: line 25746
08:33:15   Error    |         at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 1
08:33:15   Error    |         at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 1

### More Information

_No response_

### Workaround

Enable step retries to increase the chances of the deployment process succeeding:
- https://octopus.com/blog/step-retries
michelle-luana commented 4 months ago

The Octopus engineering team has reviewed this issue.
After careful consideration, we’ve classed this low priority. This means we won’t work on it in the near future. We prioritize issues based on the number of people affected, the impact type, and available workarounds. If you’ve encountered this issue and haven’t informed our support team, please email support@octopus.com. Knowing how many people this issue affects helps us determine its priority.