OctopusDeploy / OctopusDSC

| Public | A PowerShell DSC resource for installing Octopus Deploy & Tentacles
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Module Support / Missing Resources - Lifecycle? UserRole? Team? ExternalFeed? Project? Tenant? #264

Open SphenicPaul opened 3 years ago

SphenicPaul commented 3 years ago


I'm looking at options around configuring Octopus Deploy from code/configuration (e.g. via Octopus Client, REST API, DSC, Terraform provider etc.) and it's not clear which options are the recommended options for what, which are likely to be continued or discontinued and the level of support likely to be available for each of these aspects/methods.

I'd like to be able to configure the more static/stateful aspects of Octopus Deploy (e.g. define/manageEnvironments and related Lifecycles and/or Phases; define/manage Teams (and membership of them) and UserRoles; define/manage permissions to Projects and ProjectGroups; ExternalFeeds and Tenants etc.) in addition to just installing the initial Server and Tentacle instances.

However, it's currently unclear...

Can anyone provide any thoughts/answers/comments/suggestions?

