OctopusDeploy / OctopusTentacle

| Public | The secure, lightweight, cross-platform agent for Octopus Server which turns any computer into a worker or deployment target for automated deployments and operations runbooks.
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Add script to guide developers through setting up their environment to allow locally debugging the Kubernetes Agent #1007

Closed scme0 closed 2 months ago

scme0 commented 2 months ago


Previously we haven't had a nice way of debugging the Kubernetes Agent, and we never had a way to debug it locally. Looking forward we might have more people using the Agent so it's a good idea to formalise the process of how to setup a developers environment to allow for local debugging.


I've created a script, along with a few small changes to the Tentacle code base to help guide engineers through the process of setting up their environment to locally debug the agent.

Caveats: It has only been tested on MacOS - updates are probably required for Windows and Linux.

Video Walk Through

https://octopus.zoom.us/rec/share/Az-ugVGNR8Mg7_WWZa8FCwiqg4nJwgDkVx9N41EbzaHNPFn9EcygVZwG51sY_skE.Q913692PVXEdOXG3?startTime=1727326867000 Passcode: &429gPqU

scme0 commented 2 months ago

The only trouble I had was the fact that Rider didn't immediately use the target framework specified in the launchsettings.

Ah yeah actually I don't think that framework variable in the launchsettings is valid. I was trying it to see if it would work but I don't think you can set it from the launch settings file unfortunately. I'll remove the line from the launchsettings. I do have a log line on the last line of the script which says to check the run configuration because I was also having trouble with it 🤷‍♂️

scme0 commented 2 months ago

@kevjt I've added a paragraph to the README to outline that there is a script and the limitations. I don't think it needs another review so I'm gonna chuck auto-merge on.