OctopusDeploy / Octostache

| Public | The variable substitution syntax for Octopus Deploy
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Custom resolvers #49

Open jonathh21 opened 3 years ago

jonathh21 commented 3 years ago

Don't suppose anyone knows if there is a way to use custom resolvers??

It would be awesome if you could pump unresolved things through a Func<string, string> then I could nip off to key vault etc to get the value.


droyad commented 3 years ago

Is this for use in Octopus? If so, no there is no way.

If this is for your own consumption of this library, I think that'd be nice functionality to add. One possible way to do that is to rename BuiltInFunctions to OctostacheFunctions and add a Add method. It's not super clean and it's static, but I don't see a better alternative that would preserve backwards compatibility.