Odalita-Developments / OdalitaMenus

Advanced yet simple to use inventory api for Spigot plugins (1.16.5-1.21)
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Can't find the dependency of the latest version from JitPack. #16

Closed RE4ERKA closed 2 weeks ago

RE4ERKA commented 2 weeks ago
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':shadowJar'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':runtimeClasspath'.
   > Could not find com.github.odalita-developments.odalitamenus:core:v0.5.7.
     Searched in the following locations:
       - https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
       - https://repo.papermc.io/repository/maven-public/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
       - https://repo.aikar.co/content/groups/aikar/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
       - https://jitpack.io/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
     Required by:
         project :

Possible solution:
 - Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/declaring_repositories.html
TryDev07 commented 2 weeks ago


Thank you for your bug report. I have released a new version on JitPack, which should resolve the dependency issue. Please let me know if the problem persists.

CamChuaVN commented 2 weeks ago


Thank you for your bug report. I have released a new version on JitPack, which should resolve the dependency issue. Please let me know if the problem persists.

its seem like not working yet

TryDev07 commented 2 weeks ago

What does it tell you? Because i tried the dependency on a project and for me it found the dependency

CamChuaVN commented 2 weeks ago

What does it tell you? Because i tried the dependency on a project and for me it found the dependency

Its say like the above

ChunkCollector:main: Could not find com.github.odalita-developments.odalitamenus:core:v0.5.7.
Searched in the following locations:
  - https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
  - https://repo.papermc.io/repository/maven-public/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
  - https://repo.codemc.io/repository/maven-public/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
  - https://repo.codemc.org/repository/maven-public/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
  - https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
  - https://jitpack.io/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
  - https://repo.dmulloy2.net/repository/public/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom
Required by:
    project :
RE4ERKA commented 2 weeks ago

Me too, I still can't find the dependency.

It works: https://jitpack.io/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.6/core-v0.5.6.pom Doesn't work: https://jitpack.io/com/github/odalita-developments/odalitamenus/core/v0.5.7/core-v0.5.7.pom

TryDev07 commented 2 weeks ago

i checked it on both gradle and maven and both work fine for me? Maby you can try to invalidate caches in intelij.


RE4ERKA commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is the letter case. You have a dependency link like this on your Github home page:

    implementation 'com.github.odalita-developments.odalitamenus:core:v0.5.7'

That's what we're trying to hook it up to, all lowercase.

If we try to connect the dependency in case like you have in your screenshot, it will work.

    implementation 'com.github.Odalita-Developments.OdalitaMenus:core:v0.5.7'

Please fix the case on the main Github page. image

TryDev07 commented 2 weeks ago

Alright, I will update the dependencies listed on the homepage to the correct ones. I'm glad it's working for you now!

CamChuaVN commented 2 weeks ago

Alright, I will update the dependencies listed on the homepage to the correct ones. I'm glad it's working for you now!

btw you should note that it should be core not common well if we use common library it will not found OdalitaMenus class image

ItzKiwiSap commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is the letter case. You have a dependency link like this on your Github home page:

    implementation 'com.github.odalita-developments.odalitamenus:core:v0.5.7'

That's what we're trying to hook it up to, all lowercase.

If we try to connect the dependency in case like you have in your screenshot, it will work.

    implementation 'com.github.Odalita-Developments.OdalitaMenus:core:v0.5.7'

Please fix the case on the main Github page. image

The letter case doesn't matter, you have the lowercase locally cached as a failure. If you delete the cache for version v0.5.7 it will work with lowercase.

CamChuaVN commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is the letter case. You have a dependency link like this on your Github home page:

    implementation 'com.github.odalita-developments.odalitamenus:core:v0.5.7'

That's what we're trying to hook it up to, all lowercase. If we try to connect the dependency in case like you have in your screenshot, it will work.

    implementation 'com.github.Odalita-Developments.OdalitaMenus:core:v0.5.7'

Please fix the case on the main Github page. image

The letter case doesn't matter, you have the lowercase locally cached as a failure. If you delete the cache for version v0.5.7 it will work with lowercase.

where the cache you delete?

TryDev07 commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is the letter case. You have a dependency link like this on your Github home page:

    implementation 'com.github.odalita-developments.odalitamenus:core:v0.5.7'

That's what we're trying to hook it up to, all lowercase. If we try to connect the dependency in case like you have in your screenshot, it will work.

    implementation 'com.github.Odalita-Developments.OdalitaMenus:core:v0.5.7'

Please fix the case on the main Github page. image

The letter case doesn't matter, you have the lowercase locally cached as a failure. If you delete the cache for version v0.5.7 it will work with lowercase.

where the cache you delete?

For maven i beleve you just have to add the -u flag like this: mvn -U clean install

For gradle it should be something like this: ./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/dynamic_versions.html#sec:controlling_dependency_caching_command_line

CamChuaVN commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is the letter case. You have a dependency link like this on your Github home page:

    implementation 'com.github.odalita-developments.odalitamenus:core:v0.5.7'

That's what we're trying to hook it up to, all lowercase. If we try to connect the dependency in case like you have in your screenshot, it will work.

    implementation 'com.github.Odalita-Developments.OdalitaMenus:core:v0.5.7'

Please fix the case on the main Github page. image

The letter case doesn't matter, you have the lowercase locally cached as a failure. If you delete the cache for version v0.5.7 it will work with lowercase.

where the cache you delete?

For maven i beleve you just have to add the -u flag like this: mvn -U clean install

For gradle it should be something like this: ./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/dynamic_versions.html#sec:controlling_dependency_caching_command_line

that seem didn't work for me well i should stick at letter case