Odie / skyui-vr

SkyUI interface mod for SkyrimVR
MIT License
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Add left handed support #3

Open Odie opened 6 years ago

Odie commented 6 years ago

It's not clear what this actually gets us. It's possible to review the SE => VR code changes again to see what the handedness code actually does. But as far as I can tell, both Vive wands are treated exactly the same in the UI.

If we ever actually grab events from OpenVR, input mapping likely needs to be redone anyway.

BillyTPilgrim commented 6 years ago

As a southpaw VR user, it's not really a functional issue, that works fine, but the UI displays the wrong hand for equipped weapons.

Odie commented 6 years ago

Okay! Thanks for letting me know.

The vanilla game was crashing for me when I tried switching to left handed configuration some time ago. Maybe I should give it another go. Did you notice anything else other than the equip indicator/arrow being wrong? (So I can make a list of things to verify when this is worked on)

BillyTPilgrim commented 6 years ago

I don't think so. I've just reinstated my load order after getting a new PC, so I'll do some further testing. I have a sneaky feeling, though, that many of the great changes you've made will be undone by the presence of the SkyUI for Frostfall lower in my load order. Would it be possible to integrate the changes from that into your version, maybe as an alternate install? AFAIK it just adds warmth and cover values to the info cards for inventory items.

Odie commented 6 years ago

Is this what you’re referring to? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17729?tab=files

My guess is, the button prompt area might be missing VR icons. The item card “might” never fade back in after the first time.

Regarding integrating support for frostfall... that’d be a firm, “maybe?” :) I haven’t tried either survival or frostfall. Are we just looking at displaying an extra warmth value for the items and a warmth value next to the player health in the bottombar?

If that those are the only things different, it might be reasonable to just include it with the base install.

BillyTPilgrim commented 6 years ago

No, that's not it - Survival mode was something official added by Bethesda when the Creation Club was launched, and AFAIK that's never been active on VR. No, I'm talking about something different - you remember when there was the hack for SkyUI going around r/skyrimvr where one copied and pasted some code into the decompiled .swf files? It's basically that fix, but applied to the .swf files from Frostfall. As far as I know the only difference is that the warmth and coverage values are shown on the item card for armours and clothing - I don't think there's even a warmth rating on the bottom bar.

The relevant files are here, if you want to take a look: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wmCapLgsVkH1YmD8rK5budsI1GWHUi7G

Among other things it replaces containermenu, craftingmenu and inventorymenu which overwrite the default SkyUI ones, which is why I was saying your changes to those files would be wiped out.

(edit: and yes, the new VR button images aren't showing up, replaced either with the regular SkyUI ones or with ???. I assume that's to do with the above overwriting.)

Also that just reminded me of another difference with left handed mode - like with equipping, the button functionality is correctly swapped round but the button images aren't, so A shows up as X and vice versa, and likewise B shows as Y and vice versa.

I've maybe not explained that so well if you've not used the Rift (and I assume the Vive) left handed. If you go to left handed mode, every control switches hand - so you get to the menus using the face buttons on the right controller rather than the left one, and you activate things and access your favourites using the buttons on the left controller. That swap is happening correctly, but the labels for the buttons in the UI aren't swapping so it still says e.g. Press B to favourite when it's actually Y.

Odie commented 6 years ago

so A shows up as X and vice versa, and likewise B shows as Y and vice versa. Yeah, I'm running a Vive, but having seen at least the basic layout of the Rift controller, this is perfectly clear. =)

I'll look into the handedness at some point. It really shouldn't be a lot of work, but I'm not sure when this might happen. I want to spend a bit of time to experiment and work out if we can get extra VR control/button data into the UI. If it's possible, it might change the way SkyUI deal with VR input entirely. Handedness will probably be deal with whatever input mapping system that drops into place.

See as things are mostly working. I'll keep this as an wish-list item for now. =\

BillyTPilgrim commented 6 years ago

Understandable, functionality is the biggest priority. I'm not much of a coder, but I'll see if I can see the difference between the compiled vanilla SkyUI and the Frostfall version myself, and see if it's something that can just be dropped in.

Odie commented 6 years ago

@BillyTPilgrim Let's move the Frostfall warmth discussion over to #15. =)

Odie commented 6 years ago

Things are moving forward at #9. Left handed input handling should eventually be handled by the todo item marked "VR input mapping layer". It's a bit silly to wait such a long time for the left handed handling. But what can ya do. I'm just one guy. =)