OdysseusYuan / Mocreak

基于 LKY_OfficeTools 构建的图形化版本。一键自动化下载、安装、激活 Office 正版的办公增强工具。该工具完全免费、无广告、绿色、无毒、简约、高效、安全。
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Install Office in folder #17

Open Hunter23071985 opened 4 weeks ago

Hunter23071985 commented 4 weeks ago

Hello! Consider installing Office in a specified folder, not only in a specified drive. Thank you!

OdysseusYuan commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your use.

Previously, I had considered providing users with fully customizable paths, but due to the current operating principle of Office, Mocreak only allows users to modify the installation partition, otherwise it will not work after Office installation.

However, based on your needs, I might consider trying to meet your needs after the official release of Office 2024 (Oct), as this would require recompiling much of the Office kernel source code, so Office with support for fully customizable installation directories will probably run in parallel.

Hunter23071985 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your reply! Please take a look at Office 2019 portable (password is 123)https://disk.yandex.ru/d/kRZdNt5W6bL7Kg. It can be registered in any folder and works fine. I really need the same Office 2019, which includes all apps and a Turkish interface. Could you help me please?

От: OdysseusYuan @.> Отправлено: 3 июня 2024 г. 01:12 Кому: OdysseusYuan/Mocreak @.> Копия: Hunter23071985 @.>; Author @.> Тема: Re: [OdysseusYuan/Mocreak] Install Office in folder (Issue #17)

Thank you for your use.

Previously, I had considered providing users with fully customizable paths, but due to the current operating principle of Office, Mocreak only allows users to modify the installation partition, otherwise it will not work after Office installation.

However, based on your needs, I might consider trying to meet your needs after the official release of Office 2024 (Oct), as this would require recompiling much of the Office kernel source code, so Office with support for fully customizable installation directories will probably run in parallel.

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OdysseusYuan commented 1 week ago

Thank you for the reference.

Hunter23071985 commented 1 week ago

I hope you can adapt the methods of this portable to your Mocreate or LKY so that people can automatically download and deploy portable Office 2019 (and maybe newer versions) of the desired bitness and localization in a desired folder, not just in the root drive. This would be much more convenient for evaluating Office software. Good luck!