Oefenweb / ansible-fail2ban

Ansible role to set up fail2ban in Debian-like systems
MIT License
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How do I configure ansible-fail2ban to use the root user? #44

Closed vraravam closed 6 years ago

vraravam commented 6 years ago

As per the docs, I have put the following in the group_vars yml file:

  fail2ban_bantime: 3600
  fail2ban_filterd_path: ../../../files/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/
    - name: nginx-bots
      port: http,https
      filter: nginx-bots
      logpath: /var/log/nginx/access.log*
      maxretry: 1
      bantime: 172800
      findtime: 86400

But, I keep getting the following error:

(item=[u'fail2ban']) => {"failed": true, "item": ["fail2ban"], "msg": "Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation"}

I thought that it might be related to some kind of apt process locking the db, but even after a reboot of the VM, I keep getting the same error. When I ssh into the box, I can do apt-update without any problems.

tersmitten commented 6 years ago

Can you add the full playbook?

This looks like an APT problem however. I remember that some of the first (public) Ubuntu 16.04 VM's had a similar problem.

vraravam commented 6 years ago

I was able to use become: yes when defining the dependency on the role, thus, all the steps inside of your role definition were run in sudo mode. Problem solved. Tx for the quick turnaround.

tersmitten commented 6 years ago

My pleasure