OepenerPlatt / plantuml

Embed UML diagrams in files and view them in Eclipse
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/xtext/ui/editor/model/IXtextDocument at net.sourceforge.plantuml.xcore.XcoreDiagramIntentProvider.getDiagramInfos #10

Open OepenerPlatt opened 5 months ago

OepenerPlatt commented 5 months ago
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/xtext/ui/editor/model/IXtextDocument
    at net.sourceforge.plantuml.xcore.XcoreDiagramIntentProvider.getDiagramInfos(XcoreDiagramIntentProvider.java:23)
    at net.sourceforge.plantuml.text.AbstractDiagramIntentProvider.getDiagramInfos(AbstractDiagramIntentProvider.java:120)
    at net.sourceforge.plantuml.eclipse.views.AbstractDiagramSourceView.updateDiagramText(AbstractDiagramSourceView.java:516)
    at net.sourceforge.plantuml.eclipse.views.AbstractDiagramSourceView.updateDiagramText(AbstractDiagramSourceView.java:445)
    at net.sourceforge.plantuml.eclipse.views.AbstractDiagramSourceView$DiagramTextChangedListener.diagramChanged(AbstractDiagramSourceView.java:352)
    at net.sourceforge.plantuml.eclipse.views.AbstractDiagramSourceView$DiagramTextChangedListener.selectionChanged(AbstractDiagramSourceView.java:347)
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.e4.compatibility.SelectionService.notifyListeners(SelectionService.java:266)
OepenerPlatt commented 5 months ago


travkin79 commented 2 months ago

I prefer specifying the required plug-ins explicitly so that they can be installed if required. I think, you should add the required xtext plug-in to required plug-ins in the dependencies tab.

pbrossel commented 2 months ago

I prefer specifying the required plug-ins explicitly so that they can be installed if required. I think, you should add the required xtext plug-in to required plug-ins in the dependencies tab.

I also prefer the explicit dependency strategy, but tried to follow the way it was defined in this project. Imported packages is not my friend because you never see if you're right until running the code.

Isn't it worth opening an issue in the base repo? I can do that if you agree. I also wonder why no one else had this problem in the past?

travkin79 commented 2 months ago

Since I'm currently the only one working on the PlantUML Eclipse plug-in, I don't need a GitHub issue for that. I could just check the dependencies when creating one of the next PlantUML (for Eclipse) releases. But an issue might have the benefit of not forgetting to do so. ;-)