OfTheWolf / TwitterProfile

Nested scrolling with pager just like in Twitter and Instagram profile.
MIT License
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Allow customizing `panView` in view controllers #20

Closed evstinik closed 3 years ago

evstinik commented 3 years ago

Hi, @OfTheWolf, thank you for this great implementation!

Would be cool if we could override panView in our view controllers. Current implementation of this protocol is looking at the first level of subviews and searching for UIScrollView.

There are cases though where looking into subviews of first level is not enough, I have a collection view in a second level in the hierarchy due to the more complicated parent/child view controllers hierarchy in one of the tab content.

So if it won't affect the functionality I would like to make PannableViewsProtocol public and allow overriding the default implementation. What do you think?