Off-Top-App / off-top-flutter

Repository for our mobile client application.
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OT-Authentication Service | Implemented Google Sign-In and Firebase Authentication Services #29

Closed davidsquines closed 4 years ago

davidsquines commented 4 years ago

What I Did:

How To Test:

  1. In flutter terminal enter:

Mac: keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore Windows: keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:\Users\USERFOLDER\.android\debug.keystore Replace USERFOLDER with your own folder.

  1. Password for both Mac/Windows is android .

  2. Locate the SHA1 Certificate output from the command and copy the entire string.

  3. Open Firebase web console and locate Android App Settings. It can be located in the "2 apps" tab button. Credentials for Firebase login can be found in our documentation.

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  1. Click on settings and locate SHA certificate fingerprints at the bottom of the page.

  2. Click on add Add Fingerprint and paste your SHA1 Certificate from step 3.

  1. Locate your iOS folder within your off-top-flutter directory.

  2. Right click the iOS directory inside your IDE(Android Studio or VS Code) and click "open in Xcode".

  3. In Xcode, Navigate to /Runner/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist.

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  1. On right hand, click on the file icon.

    Screen Shot 2020-06-21 at 9 43 54 PM
  2. Locate your "off-top-flutter" folder. Navigate to /iOS/Runner and locate the "GoogleService-Info.plist" file and select it. Afterwards, confirm choose.

  3. Close Xcode.

frlzjosh commented 4 years ago

In the "how to test" section you say "That is located in the "2 apps" tab button. Credentials for firebase login can be found in our documentation." Could I provide a link to this documentation?

tonynguyen98 commented 4 years ago

In the "how to test" section you say "That is located in the "2 apps" tab button. Credentials for firebase login can be found in our documentation." Could I provide a link to this documentation?

Will the documentation be visible to public eye or only off top members can see it? We don't want to accidently leak our password to firebase.

frlzjosh commented 4 years ago

In the "how to test" section you say "That is located in the "2 apps" tab button. Credentials for firebase login can be found in our documentation." Could I provide a link to this documentation?

Will the documentation be visible to public eye or only off top members can see it? We don't want to accidently leak our password to firebase.

Good catch! Only off top members will be able to view the documentation