"When selecting a device in Live, the device parameter automatically map to knobs on a hardware control surface like an Akai APC-40, Novation RemoteSL or M-Audio Axiom. The “Order” attribute in a parameter inspector defines the order in which parameters are mapped to the 8 knobs of the control surface. The first 8 knobs should map to the most important parameters of a device." (maxforlive production guidelines)
"When selecting a device in Live, the device parameter automatically map to knobs on a hardware control surface like an Akai APC-40, Novation RemoteSL or M-Audio Axiom. The “Order” attribute in a parameter inspector defines the order in which parameters are mapped to the 8 knobs of the control surface. The first 8 knobs should map to the most important parameters of a device." (maxforlive production guidelines)