OffchainLabs / eth-pos-devnet

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Validator status never change to "PENDING", "ACTIVATED" #47

Open KP-Universe opened 4 months ago

KP-Universe commented 4 months ago

I need some expert opinion from someone who has run multiple nodes in devnet, @nisdas if you could help...

Currently I am able to run 2 nodes side by side Node 1: Geth + Beacon + Interop validators Node 2: Geth + Beacon

Command that I used

// for geth
./geth --port 30303 --networkid 142536
--http --http.api eth,net,web3,engine,admin --http.addr "" 
--http.port 8545 --http.corsdomain "*" --http.vhosts "*" 
--ws --ws.api eth,net,web3,engine,admin --ws.addr "" 
--ws.port 8546 --authrpc.jwtsecret jwt.hex --datadir gethdata 
--syncmode full --allow-insecure-unlock 
--unlock 0x31ff8fb7745a55e77513c8d87c2a502e75c05ab0

// for beacon-chain
./beacon-chain --datadir beacondata --min-sync-peers 0 
--genesis-state genesis.ssz --bootstrap-node= 
--interop-eth1data-votes --chain-config-file config.yml 
--contract-deployment-block 0 --chain-id 142536 
--accept-terms-of-use --jwt-secret jwt.hex 
--suggested-fee-recipient 0x31ff8fb7745a55e77513c8d87c2a502e75c05ab0 
--minimum-peers-per-subnet 0 --enable-debug-rpc-endpoints 
--execution-endpoint kpudata/geth.ipc

Then I deposit 32 ETH 4 times to deposit contract to make new validators(4) for Node 2

After 4000 blocks validator states are still "DEPOSITED" Terminal Logs

hun@node3:~/ether-dev$ ./validator --wallet-dir=validator_keys --suggested-fee-recipient=0xd088a8031953a777b065976b7cc3a0d381c097cc --datadir validatordata --beacon-rpc-provider --accept-terms-of-use
[2024-02-07 11:44:25]  WARN flags: Running on the Ethereum Beacon Chain Testnet
initializeFromCLI asking for wallet
Wallet password: 
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO node: Opened validator wallet keymanager-kind=direct wallet=/home/hun/ether-dev/validator_keys/direct
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO node: Checking DB databasePath=validatordata
Adding optimizations for validator slashing protection 100% [================================================]  [0s:0s]
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  WARN node: Fee recipient 0xd088a8031953a777b065976b7cc3a0d381c097cc is not a checksum Ethereum address. The checksummed address is 0xd088a8031953a777B065976B7Cc3A0D381c097cc and will be used as the fee recipient. We recommend using a mixed-case address (checksum) to prevent spelling mistakes in your fee recipient Ethereum address
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  WARN validator: You are using an insecure gRPC connection. If you are running your beacon node and validator on the same machines, you can ignore this message. If you want to know how to enable secure connections, see:
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO node: Starting validator node version=Prysm/Unknown/Local build. Built at: Moments ago
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO validator: Syncing with beacon node to align on chain genesis info
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO validator: Beacon chain started genesisTime=2024-02-07 06:46:37 +0000 UTC
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO validator: Validating for public key publicKey=0x8afbc6426659
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO validator: Validating for public key publicKey=0x801338c87c27
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO validator: Validating for public key publicKey=0xa7b18597de54
[2024-02-07 11:44:31]  INFO validator: Validating for public key publicKey=0xaf4076db6858
(Logs Under the "Validating for public key" log are what I added to check the status in every loop.)
status.publicKey :  [138 251 198 66 102 89 89 160 27 84 247 87 14 192 24 40 143 126 30 232 82 191 133 143 35 113 51 98 185 41 183 132 76 49 225 252 111 124 37 143 253 22 9 173 198 242 106 52]
status.status.Status.String() :  DEPOSITED
status.status.Status.String() :  DEPOSITED
status.status.Status.String() :  DEPOSITED
status.status.Status.String() :  DEPOSITED

I follow steps which is on Prsym website(

  1. Do you think is it possible to add validator to the Devnet?
  2. Then how many time do I need to wait? become a validator?
  3. I saw some issue( which looks on same problem, do you think is it a way to reduce time to be a validator?

Or did I miss some option in commands? Appreciate your help @nisdas