WARN [11-08|10:55:03.494] Chain information parentChainIsArbitrum field missing, in the future this will be required chainId=412,346 parentChainId=1337
INFO [11-08|10:55:03.504] created jwt file filename=/home/user/.arbitrum/jwtsecret
INFO [11-08|10:55:03.504] Running Arbitrum nitro node revision=v2.1.1-e9d8842 vcs.time=2023-09-29T23:06:48-07:00
CRIT [11-08|10:56:03.504] couldn't connect to L1 err="timeout trying to connect lastError: dial tcp: lookup geth on no such host"
parent-chain.connection.url is copied from the sequencer container, so I'm not sure why this error appears when launching the full node.
If you folks can spot what's wrong with my setup, or if you can propose a more correct way to set up the full node, I'd appreciate the help. Thanks!
I'd like to test adding a full node to this local nitro testing setup, but I'm getting an error when launching it.
Steps (on Ubuntu):
is copied from the sequencer container, so I'm not sure why this error appears when launching the full node.If you folks can spot what's wrong with my setup, or if you can propose a more correct way to set up the full node, I'd appreciate the help. Thanks!