Closed tranhieutt closed 9 years ago
Similar issue:
Solution: Step 1: Xcode > Target > Capabilites > Keychain Sharing -> Switch to ON Step 2: add into Keychain Group.
I have trouble with simple-drive-app. When I build simple-drive-app with iPhone 6 plus iOS 8.0.2. I have login successful, can access to app which I create in Office Dev.
But I can't load list items in my Office365/One Drive.
Message error is:
2015-08-26 17:42:39.247 simple-drive-app[5081:1137431] -[ADAuthenticationBroker webAuthenticationDidCompleteWithURL:][379][main] 2015-08-26 17:42:43.635 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] ADALiOS [2015-08-26 10:42:43 - 2C53ABDD-702C-4C5A-98B8-372D1AC7BB49] ERROR: Error raised: 11. Additional Information: Domain: ADAuthenticationErrorDomain ProtocolCode:(null) Details:Cannot add a new item in the keychain. Error code: -25243. Attributes: { acct = dHJhbmhpZXV0dEAzc2l2aWV0bmFtLm9ubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbQ; svce = "MSOpenTech.ADAL.1|aHR0cHM6Ly9sb2dpbi5taWNyb3NvZnRvbmxpbmUuY29tL2NvbW1vbg|CC3513A0-0E69-4B4D-97FC-DFB6C91EE132|OTg2MjcxODEtNGRhNy00MmIzLWIyMzQtMTM1NGVlMDgzOTBl"; }. ErrorCode: 11. 2015-08-26 17:42:43.649 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] ADALiOS [2015-08-26 10:42:43 - 2C53ABDD-702C-4C5A-98B8-372D1AC7BB49] ERROR: Error raised: 11. Additional Information: Domain: ADAuthenticationErrorDomain ProtocolCode:(null) Details:Cannot add a new item in the keychain. Error code: -25243. Attributes: { acct = dHJhbmhpZXV0dEAzc2l2aWV0bmFtLm9ubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbQ; svce = "MSOpenTech.ADAL.1|aHR0cHM6Ly9sb2dpbi5taWNyb3NvZnRvbmxpbmUuY29tL2NvbW1vbg|aHR0cHM6Ly8zc2l2aWV0bmFtLW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29t|OTg2MjcxODEtNGRhNy00MmIzLWIyMzQtMTM1NGVlMDgzOTBl"; }. ErrorCode: 11. 2015-08-26 17:42:43.688 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] ADALiOS [2015-08-26 10:42:43 - D62300C9-CEAB-445C-9286-E0C21A158833] ERROR: Error raised: 10. Additional Information: Domain: ADAuthenticationErrorDomain ProtocolCode:(null) Details:The user credentials are need to obtain access token. Please call the non-silent acquireTokenWithResource methods.. ErrorCode: 10. 2015-08-26 17:42:43.690 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] INFO : HEADERS: X-ClientService-ClientTag : simple-drive-app/1.0 (lang=Objective-C; os=iPhone OS; os_version=8.0.2; arch=Other; version=6) 2015-08-26 17:42:43.690 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] INFO : HEADERS: OData-MaxVersion : 4.0 2015-08-26 17:42:43.691 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] INFO : HEADERS: OData-Version : 4.0 2015-08-26 17:42:43.692 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] INFO : HEADERS: Authorization : Bearer (null) 2015-08-26 17:42:43.692 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] INFO : HEADERS: Content-Type : application/json 2015-08-26 17:42:43.693 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] INFO : HEADERS: User-Agent : MSSharePointClient/1.0 (lang=Objective-C; os=iPhone OS; os_version=8.0.2; arch=Other; version=6) 2015-08-26 17:42:43.693 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] INFO : VERB : GET 2015-08-26 17:42:43.694 simple-drive-app[5081:1137450] INFO : URL :
P/s: I can login and get list my item with simulator device, but can't get list items in iPhone 6 plus [real device].
Please help me!
Thank you!