OfficeDev / Office-Addin-Scripts

A set of scripts and packages that are consumed in Office add-ins projects.
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[minor] office-addin-lint: update package versions #848

Closed akrantz closed 3 months ago

akrantz commented 3 months ago

Update the package versions for office-addin-lint.

For context, I was working on a project derived from Office-Addin-TaskPane-React template which involves custom functions, and was running into strange errors from eslint in TypeScript code in VS Code. I noticed that eslint was very out of date. After updating these package versions, building Office-Addin-Scripts and linking to office-addin-lint from the project, it fixed the errors.

NOTE: I removed engines-strict in .npmrc so I could use Node LTS.

I always wanted to mention that I think there should be a process to regularly update packages to newer versions across the repository. Relying only on dependabot or making updates only for addressing vulnerabilities isn't really enough. It's better to stay current with TypeScript, eslint, react, etc.

  1. Do these changes impact command syntax of any of the packages? (e.g., add/remove command, add/remove a command parameter, or update required parameters) No

  2. Do these changes impact documentation? (e.g., a tutorial on No

Validation/testing performed:

I validated this in the project I was working on. Running the Dev Server in VS Code did not show any errors. I didn't get any lint errors in the project after linking to the new version of office-addin-lint. npm run build in the project had no errors. I ran npm install and npm run build in the root of the repository and there were no errors. I ran npm run test in office-addin-lint project.

I noticed that npm run prettier in the template project wasn't working, so I fixed the path and it works now.