OfficeDev / ews-java-api

A java client library to access Exchange web services. The API works against Office 365 Exchange Online as well as on premises Exchange.
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Cannot create online meetings #734

Open gbaso opened 4 years ago

gbaso commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to create a meeting with an autogenerated teams link. After searching for a bit (documentation was not very clear), including peeking at the outlook traffic while creating events with and without teams, it looks like I need to set the meeting as online (with Appointment#setIsOnlineMeeting), with onlineMeetingProvider set to Teams for Business. However, there is no option for setting the onlineMeetingProvider, and if I only set the online flag, I get an error on save ("Set action is invalid for property").

It seems to me that either:

Any insight?

nico202 commented 1 year ago

Have you found a solution to this?

gbaso commented 1 year ago

Moving to the Graph APIs solved the problem. I guess the EWS APIs are not maintained anymore.

nico202 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, will have to do the same, hope my company will allow the OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite permission then.

BTW, yes it seems EWS is deprecated