When multiple conversation identifiers are submitted using the ExchangeService.EnableAlwaysCategorizeItemsInConversations() an incorrect EWS request is built having only the last conversation identifier appearing as many times as the number of identifiers.
The following code demonstrates the problem:
var service = new ExchangeService();
// TODO: supply valid mailbox credentials
var ids = new ConversationId[]
var categories = new[] {"My category"};
var response = service.EnableAlwaysCategorizeItemsInConversations(ids, categories, true);
An excerpt from EWS dump (note the last identifier is being repeated):
When multiple conversation identifiers are submitted using the ExchangeService.EnableAlwaysCategorizeItemsInConversations() an incorrect EWS request is built having only the last conversation identifier appearing as many times as the number of identifiers.
The following code demonstrates the problem:
An excerpt from EWS dump (note the last identifier is being repeated):