OfficeDev / generator-office

Yeoman generator for building Microsoft Office related projects.
MIT License
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Fixing install not working on json manifests #706

Closed igor-ribeiiro closed 2 years ago

igor-ribeiiro commented 2 years ago

I have to update package versions because they were outdated to use some packages that did not handle JSON manifests yet.

  1. Do these changes impact User Experience? (e.g., how the user interacts with Yo Office and/or the files and folders the user sees in the project that Yo Office creates)
    • [X] Yes
    • [ ] No

Changed the name that appears when the project is created from json-based-manifest to teams-manifest. Made npm install work after using a json manifest.

  1. Do these changes impact documentation? (e.g., a tutorial on

    • [ ] Yes
    • [X] No

    If Yes, briefly describe what is impacted.

  2. Validation/testing performed:

    Tested creating .xml and .json projects and noticed both ran until the end with all steps passings.

  3. Platforms tested:

    • [X] Windows
    • [ ] Mac