OfficeDev / generator-office

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XML manifest is being renamed to 'add-in only manifest' #837

Closed Rick-Kirkham closed 1 month ago

Rick-Kirkham commented 1 month ago

This change is happening in the documentation, possibly within days, so we need the generator UI to match the new name. The point it to give the old manifest a name that contrasts with "unified manifest". Instead of one being named for its format and the other for its scope, they will now both be named for their scope.

  1. Do these changes impact User Experience? (e.g., how the user interacts with Yo Office and/or the files and folders the user sees in the project that Yo Office creates)

    • [ X] Yes
    • [ ] No

    If Yes, briefly describe what is impacted.

the XML manifest option is renamed

  1. Do these changes impact documentation? (e.g., a tutorial on

    • [X ] Yes
    • [ ] No

    If Yes, briefly describe what is impacted.

The Outlook quick start will need to match the new generator UI in text and screen shots.

  1. Validation/testing performed:

    Describe manual testing done.

  2. Platforms tested:

    • [ ] Windows
    • [ ] Mac
AlexJerabek commented 1 month ago

Side question for you @Rick-Kirkham: should these options be capitalized ("Add-in only manifest" and "Unified manifest")?

Rick-Kirkham commented 1 month ago

Side question for you @Rick-Kirkham: should these options be capitalized ("Add-in only manifest" and "Unified manifest")?

Well, marketing's instructions are that these are to be descriptions, not names. They are almost always lower case in the documentation. The exceptions are when this is overridden by the rules of English capitalization. E.g., the term begins a sentence, the term is a title of a section, or the title of a bullet or the title of a table column. So, I to kept them lower case in the tool as well. But I don't have a strong opinion. Would you like to capitalize them? A third option would be to really embrace that these are "descriptions" by adding the articles "a" and "an", so we'd have:

"a unified manifest for Microsoft 365" "an add-in only manifest"

AlexJerabek commented 1 month ago

Side question for you @Rick-Kirkham: should these options be capitalized ("Add-in only manifest" and "Unified manifest")?

Well, marketing's instructions are that these are to be descriptions, not names. They are almost always lower case in the documentation. The exceptions are when this is overridden by the rules of English capitalization. E.g., the term begins a sentence, the term is a title of a section, or the title of a bullet or the title of a table column. So, I lean to keeping them lower case in the tool as well.

That makes sense, but don't these show up as the title of a bullet? image

Sort of like this example from our docs where none of this would be capitalized if it wasn't in a list: image

I don't mean to block on this; happy to go along with whatever decision. Just want to understand for other contexts.

Rick-Kirkham commented 1 month ago

Side question for you @Rick-Kirkham: should these options be capitalized ("Add-in only manifest" and "Unified manifest")?

Well, marketing's instructions are that these are to be descriptions, not names. They are almost always lower case in the documentation. The exceptions are when this is overridden by the rules of English capitalization. E.g., the term begins a sentence, the term is a title of a section, or the title of a bullet or the title of a table column. So, I lean to keeping them lower case in the tool as well.

That makes sense, but don't these show up as the title of a bullet? image

Sort of like this example from our docs where none of this would be capitalized if it wasn't in a list: image

I don't mean to block on this; happy to go along with whatever decision. Just want to understand for other contexts.

There are many places in the docs where these two phrases are the titles of bullets. They are capitalized in those places. How does this connect with the question of capitalizing them in the tool?

AlexJerabek commented 1 month ago

There are many places in the docs where these two phrases are the titles of bullets. They are capitalized in those places. How does this connect with the question of capitalizing them in the tool?

I guess I'm conflating menu options as list options. The drop-down list in yo office where these manifest choices are selected feels equivalent to a bulleted list. If you feel differently (or these strings are used elsewhere), let's drop this and check-in as is.

Rick-Kirkham commented 1 month ago

There are many places in the docs where these two phrases are the titles of bullets. They are capitalized in those places. How does this connect with the question of capitalizing them in the tool?

I guess I'm conflating menu options as list options. The drop-down list in yo office where these manifest choices are selected feels equivalent to a bulleted list. If you feel differently (or these strings are used elsewhere), let's drop this and check-in as is.

On reflection, I think capitalized looks better in a UI, so I'll fix that.