OfficeDev / microsoft-teams-apps-buildingaccess

The Building Access app helps organizations manage access to workspaces through a reservation and approval process.
MIT License
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Documentation differences #48

Open lucassuburu opened 3 years ago

lucassuburu commented 3 years ago

After following the wiki documentation guide, we encountered some small issues while building the sample. These are some points where we found some differences:

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Some of the connections are not authorized yet. If you just created a workflow from a template, please add the authorized connections to your workflow before saving.

Flow save failed with code 'DynamicOperationRequestClientFailure' and message 'The dynamic operation request to API 'sharepointonline' operation 'GetTable' failed with status code 'Unauthorized'. This may indicate invalid input parameters. Error response: { "error_description": "Exception of type 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.AudienceUriValidationFailedException' was thrown." }'.

To solve this, you should continue with the Edit the BARCalendarReservation flow sub-steps and save afterwards.

Step 6

Step 8

Other considerations

Office365Users.ManagerV2 failed: {"error":{"code":"Request_ResourceNotFound","message":"Resource 'manager' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.","innerError":{"date":"2021-05-17T16:43:07","request-id":"---","client-request-id":"---"}}}

sgfurgi commented 2 years ago

Wow! I have the same problem in the last step but I just didn´t think to continue and complete the request. I posted an issue about that because the developer didn´t answer me again by e-mail. From what I see, if you posted this in May and nothing changed in the deployment guide and theses problems were put in the troubleshooting guid, maybe this is discontinued. it´s a pitty because it´s a good app.

Saludos desde Argentina