OfficeDev / microsoft-teams-apps-champion-management

Champion Management Platform is a custom Teams app that enables organizations to onboard and maintain champions/ SME in their organization in Teams.
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SPO site not deployed with package #117

Closed LisaJo48 closed 1 year ago

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

Reviewed all the notes from the open ticket "Spinner...". Deinstalled, removed TEAMS app, deleted package from app store, redownloaded package, reuploaded package MULTIPLE times. All the install processes appear to function correctly; no errors. Both APIs are there and approved. Get this when I click on the icon in TEAMS (and BTW, I don't get the "Add" button; it just opens the app) and it starts spinning and I get this error message. Waited overnight: no change. Refreshed multiple times: no change. Left my computer on and running with the spinner going for several hours: no change. CMP Stuck

Further investigation revealed there's no SPO site created. The screenshot below is from my last attempt minutes ago. The new site for CMP should be at the top (sorted new to old per create date). It is not there.


I have no idea what to do next. Please help.

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Can you please check if the site is under 'Deleted sites'in SP Admin center. If yes please delete it from there as well and try opening the app after 15 minutes.

Can you also please confirm if you are using admin account to open the app in teams.


LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

I deleted the site, permanently, via the SP Admin portal using an account with the SP Admin role. At the moment, all components have been removed: site, TEAM app, package, and APIs.

Additional info: I tried the whole process on a different computer (same account) and got the same results. I also tried it using another Admin account: same results.

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

In the other ticket #116 that you opened you shared a screenshot of the app. So I assume you were able to install the app once. May I know if that is a different tenant. Thanks.

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

@v-saikirang Same tenant. I had done some testing in my earlier install and, therefore, wanted to 'start fresh' and removed the package et al and had this outcome the next time.

BTW: I am able to create SharePoint sites via the Admin Portal without issue.

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

Please note in advance: While this remains a VERY high priority to me, I will be unavailable on Wednesday 8/24 with sporadic availability on Thursday and Friday, 8/25 and 8/26. Please don't close the ticket, without resolution, if you've not heard from me for a few days.

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

New experience. I attempted to install it this evening (Microsoft reported a 'problem' with ODB and TEAMS today that was resolved mid-day) and, now, I am unable to approve both APIs. User.ReadWrite approved as expected; Sites.Manage.All did not. I received this error: image

This is the first time I have had this result. I refreshed and completely closed the browser and tried again: received the same error. I deleted the package and the one approved API but I did not feel comfortable 'Rejecting' the other for fear it would mark it as such for future attempts as well.

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

The Sites.Manage.All is required to install the app. So please clear out the APIs and re deploy the package and approve those 2 permissions. And please double check "Deleted Sites" section in admin center to make sure "championmanagementplatform" is still not hanging in there. The error in "API access" page might be a glitch. We do not have control on that. But we could try the process again. We will not close this ticket until you confirm. After trying the above steps if it still doesn't work we can try to troubleshoot over a Teams call. Please let me know.


LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

As before, there is not deleted SPO site to permanently remove. I also tried remove-SPOsite and Remove-SPODeletedSite in PowerShell. I was able to approve the API that wouldn't approve yesterday (screenshot above) and then deleted it along with the other. Then deleted the package again and deleted the TEAM App. Then tried to install again: downloaded package, uploaded package, approve APIs and, again, was only able to approve one. The Sites.Manage.All again will not approve (same error). Could go no further with the process.

Question: which step provisions the website? Is it related to this API that won't be approves or something else? Is it possible for a GA to restrict which admins (i.e. SharePoint Admin) from being able to approve [some] APIs? I don't know of any changes made to the tenant between when I first installed and when I've attempted to reinstall.

I believe a call would be helpful. Maybe I'm missing something. The earliest opportunity to schedule a meeting will be Monday, August 29 between 3 and 5 pm EASTERN.

Thank you.

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

Yes, Sites.Manage.All is the permission required for the app to create the sharepoint site. And the site is created when you open the app after the permission is approved. On load of the app If the site is not present it creates the site collection. You were once able to approve and some times not. So I suggest you re try to see if you can approve this permissions. Delete the Sites.Manage.All permission, delete the package and reupload the package and see if you can approve. You dont have to remove the other permission. If you are still not able to approve then please check with your GlobalAdmin/Sharepoint admin. The app itself has nothing to do with the permission approval. So it should be a glitch related to "API Access" in SP admin center. Please let me know how this turns up and then we can have a call. Thanks.

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

@v-saikirang , I have done as you asked several times with no success. It does not create the site anymore. There is no site that I can find in SP Admin Portal. I also used PowerShell to delete any site named "championmanagementplatform". I was able to approve the APIs but not until after deleting everything and reinstalling a couple times (the random nature of my ability to approve APIs still exists). At that point, I decided to wait several days, allowing for possible updates/corrections/audits to take place in our tenant. I attempted to add it to TEAMS again today. This time it gave the message of having added my user as the Admin for it and to refresh, which I did, but unfortunately, the same error as before followed. No amount of refreshing is completing the site creation task. I checked the SP Admin portal after my attempt and the site is not there. It is either not creating it or thinks it's already there even though it's not showing in the list. Is there some kind of super secret location for a site that has been deleted via PowerShell that it may already exist? If so, then, at least, I ought to be able to complete the provisioning steps, get the icons/tiles on the main page in TEAMS and thereby get to/open the site, no matter where it is. But, it will not generate the icons/tiles. Nothing works other than the page header links to the Microsoft Community, etc.

If it is a 'glitch' in the SP Admin Center, as you say, then it is not showing and I do not know how to fix it. Here is a list of the APIs in our tenant: image

Is there one missing that is required, on/for the tenant maybe? Please help me troubleshoot, identify the 'glitch' and correct it. I am the SP Admin, however, I am not a Global Admin.

Thank you.

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48 ,

Thanks for your patience on this.

Now that the Api permissions are approved there is no issue with the admin center.

Can you please open the app in browser and share the console logs. I will verify the logs and we can set up a call if needed.

Can you also try Get-spsite powershell command with the url of the site that you deleted earlier to see if it still recognises the site. The site collection name would be "championmanagementplatform".


LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

WELL! I ran Get-SPOsite command first and found the site was there. So, I opened the app in the browser and, low and behold, it loaded! Then I rechecked the SPO Admin portal and now it's listed there, too, with a create date of August 31st! I promise you, it was NOT there when I last checked that same day.

For what it's worth, the ONLY thing I did differently this time (from the multiple attempts prior over the last 2 weeks) is that I used the Get command. However unlikely is sounds, running the Get command seems to have wriggled something loose, so the speak, so that the command either finally finished provisioning the site and recorded the create date as the day of my last attempt that didn't work (noted above), or the site had fully provisioned itself on August 31st but wasn't displayed in the admin portal until today when I tried the Get command.

In the end, weird and maybe inexplicable, but thanks for your continued attention. Without your willingness to stick with me on this, I don't think I would have been successful on my own.

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback @LisaJo48. I hope you will like the app too!