OfficeDev / microsoft-teams-apps-champion-management

Champion Management Platform is a custom Teams app that enables organizations to onboard and maintain champions/ SME in their organization in Teams.
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Participants in Tournament are not in the Leaderboard #157

Closed LisaJo48 closed 1 year ago

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

Participants in a tournament from December 2022 (it is completed) are not listed on the Tournament Leaderboard. A kick-off tournament we held in December had 11 participants each completing 3-4 actions image

None of them are listed/ranked in the Tournament Leaderboard. I tried editing the entries in the User Actions list for one participant to see if it would update the leaderboard with the name but it did not make any difference.

Why are the 14 participants not included in the Tournament Leaderboard. How can I get the added?

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Can you please confirm the status of the tournament "DnD 10 CMP Unvealing". Is it completed or inprogress. And please note that Tournaments is a separate module within CMP and the tournaments data is not stored in "User Actions" list. The Tournaments data is not listed in "CMP Leaderboard". Tournaments data can be found only in LeaderBoard under "Tournament of Teams" module. And if the tournament is already Completed the data would show up only in "Tournaments Report". Please let me know if you need additional information.


LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

The "DnD CMP Unveiling" is inactive/completed.

Yes. I am aware that Events and Tournaments are completely separate and that, unfortunately, their "counts" (i.e. points) for the same person do not interact to give the user a single total of points for their participation in the whole CMP platform. :(

The leaderboard I was referencing was that of the Tournaments, not Events. image

The names from the DnD CMP Unveiling tournament particpants are not listed above; only the ones who have participation, so far, in the "TEAM-Up!..." tournament are listed. I can't show you the names for security reasons, so you'll have to trust me on that one!

The "User Actions" list is for Tournaments, not Events. (Note at the top of the User Actions list screenshot it says "Tournament Name" for the grouping. The term "tournament" is not associated to or used in Events.

FYI: The Events actions list is called "Event Track Details"

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48 ,

"The names from the DnD CMP Unveiling tournament particpants are not listed above". - Can you please confirm if you meant the names are not listed in the "Tournament Leaderboard"?


LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

That is correct. See earlier screenshot of the Tournament leaderboard. I cannot show you the names, however, for security reasons.

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

Follow up: I review the User Actions list vs. Tournament leaderboard list manually. There should be 24 names of which 14 are displayed. All 14 participated in the active tournament named "TEAM-Up!..." and the 10 who are not listed participated in the inactive "DnD CMP Unveiling" tournament. All 24 were awarded appropriate Points in the User Action list but the 10 users who are not listed think they did not get their points.

Also, it's not shown in my screenshots but, the User column of the Tournament Leaderboard is showing [lastname firstname] (i.e. Smith John, Jones Sally). This needs to be corrected so that it reads [firstname last name] (i.e. John Smith, Sally Jones).

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

In the Tournaments Leaderboard it will show only the participants of "TEAM-Up!.." and the data pertaining to that tournament alone for that users since that is the selected tournament in the dropdown list. Since "DnD CMP Unveiling" is already completed it will not show up in the LeaderBoard. The details of the completed tournament can only be found in the "Tournament Report" from UI.

Can you please let me know if the First Name and Last Name in the member List are in the correct order. And May I know the format of "Display Name" from Azure AD in your tenant. Is it "Last Name, First Name"? Please confirm. Thanks.

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

So, how does a participant know the total cumulative points for all the tournaments/actions they've completed? My users need to see and be ranked according to their TOTAL tournament points for ALL tournaments in which they have participated, active or completed. It makes no sense to me that if we can have multiple tournaments and users can participate in multiple tournaments, and they get points for each action they do that they have no way of knowing their overall accomplishment and points.

It sounds like I'll have to keep all the tournaments active for the participants to see all their points and then have to add them up manually to know where they stand in the overall ranking?

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

The first name and last name are in the correct order in the Members List. image EVENTS is right image

TOURNAMENTS is not image

LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

From Azure image

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

As of now a user can view his points and rank only for a particular Tournament. And the Report is from Tournaments stand point. There is no report where a user can see the their cumulative information for all the tournaments that they participated. We will add this to our Feature Request Queue and assess/prioritize for future releases.

We will look in to the Name issue and update you shortly.


v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

It is by design we considered to show the "Display Name" from Azure in TOT module. The idea was to show the names as per the ORG's setting. Even in CMP we used the Display Name earlier but had to change it due to a limitation there. If we go for this change now it may cause inconsistency with the existing data/installation. We would still consider this feedback and add it to our backlog and assess in future.

Thanks for your interest in the app and your feedback. It helps us prioritize our future line up of features for the app and understand real time scenarios.


LisaJo48 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the info. Then, why is our Event Leaderboard showing [firstname lastname] if it, too, is using the Azure display name? You would think they'd be consistent. So, whatever you did to make the Events Leaderboard display [firstname lastname], please apply the same thing to the Tournament Leaderboard. Consistency is important to the overall professional look of an app as well as less confusion to endusers.

Looks to me like the Members list for the Events includes 2 columns: 'First Name' and 'Last Name', that aren't included in the Action Items list for the Tournament (there is no equivalent Members List for the Tournament participants that I see). So, wouldn't adding those 2 columns, parsing out the user's name from the Username column and using them to display the participants name in the Tournament Leaderboard solve the problem? It did so for the Events Leaderboard.

v-saikirang commented 1 year ago

Hi @LisaJo48,

Sure. We will add this to our queue and assess the feasibility, impact and try to implement in our future releases based on our analysis. Thanks for your feedback.

ghost commented 1 year ago

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