OfficeDev / microsoft-teams-emergency-operations-center

The Microsoft Teams Emergency Operations Center (TEOC) solution template leverages the power of the Microsoft 365 platform to centralize incident response, information sharing and field communications using powerful services like Microsoft Lists, SharePoint and more.
MIT License
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Unable to install #142

Closed hepburnhelpdesk closed 8 months ago

hepburnhelpdesk commented 9 months ago

The initial powershell script (EOC-Provision.ps1) failed saying I didn't have access. But must have created part of it as then would fail saying "Site creation failed. Site name cannot contain symbols..." I tried running it manually, line by line, which completed but it doesn't look like it worked. as I get a plain vanilla looking sharepoint site.

The rest of the install seems to have worked. But there are no log files I can find to diagnose what has gone wrong. The app doesn't seem to do anything or go anywhere. There are no real means to diagnose what is going on.

When I try to go to the Azure app I just get a blue spinning wheel.

Please help.

hepburnhelpdesk commented 9 months ago

Very fundamental installation process. It needs to write log files with diagnosis information and verification processes. There are no illustrations of what to expect or how to verify it worked, just illustrations of the process.

v-asshrirao commented 9 months ago

@hepburnhelpdesk, Can you please confirm if deployment was successful. Can you navigate to the resource group and navigate to deployment and share that screenshot with us, just to validate deployment was successful.

Also, can you please share the exact error you were getting while running provisioning script?

hepburnhelpdesk commented 9 months ago

I have pretty much full access to Sharepoint. The first error I get is: Site creation failed. Site name cannot contain symbols other than underscore, dashes, single quotes, and periods (_,-,',.), and can't start or end with a period. Then I give myself: Site Admin and owner and it works.

When I go to the Resource Group page I get:

Resource Group Deployment log: Command: deploy.cmd Restoring npm packages for EOC-TeamsFx (this can take several minutes) "C:\home\site\repository" Restoring npm packages for tabs folder (this can take several minutes) "C:\home\site\repository\EOC-TeamsFx\tabs" npm WARN deprecated stable@0.1.8: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibility table on MDN: npm WARN deprecated @types/classnames@2.3.1: This is a stub types definition. classnames provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed. npm WARN deprecated rollup-plugin-terser@7.0.2: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-terser npm WARN deprecated w3c-hr-time@1.0.2: Use your platform's native and performance.timeOrigin. npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details. npm WARN deprecated svgo@1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.

npm notice added 1662 packages in 7m npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.2 -> 10.2.0

246 packages are looking for funding npm notice Changelog: run npm fund for details npm notice Run npm install -g npm@10.2.0 to update! npm notice Building the client app (this can take several minutes)

teamsfx-template-tab@0.1.0 build react-scripts build

Creating an optimized production build... Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx update-browserslist-db@latest Why you should do it regularly: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx update-browserslist-db@latest Why you should do it regularly: Compiled with warnings.

[eslint] src\components\IncidentDetails.tsx Line 1349:56: expects a return value from arrow function array-callback-return Line 2003:31: 'additionChannelsPromise' is assigned a value but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars Line 2745:58: Array.prototype.filter() expects a return value from arrow function array-callback-return

src\components\Tasks.tsx Line 170:25: Nested block is redundant no-lone-blocks

Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning. To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.

File sizes after gzip:

721.09 kB build\static\js\main.da5b23ca.js 41.36 kB build\static\css\main.9011790f.css

The bundle size is significantly larger than recommended. Consider reducing it with code splitting: You can also analyze the project dependencies:

The project was built assuming it is hosted at ./. You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.

The build folder is ready to be deployed.

Find out more about deployment here:

Creating app_offline.htm KuduSync.NET from: 'C:\home\site\repository\EOC-TeamsFx\tabs\build' to: 'C:\home\site\wwwroot' Deleting file: 'hostingstart.html' Copying file: 'asset-manifest.json' Copying file: 'auth-end.html' Copying file: 'auth-start.html' Copying file: 'deploy.png' Copying file: 'favicon.ico' Copying file: 'hello.png' Copying file: 'index.html' Copying file: 'publish.png' Copying file: 'static\css\main.9011790f.css' Copying file: 'static\css\' Copying file: 'static\js\main.da5b23ca.js' Copying file: 'static\js\main.da5b23ca.js.LICENSE.txt' Copying file: 'static\js\' Copying file: 'static\media\ActiveBridgeIcon.3bb0430e4e11c4b1a05bc9287151abbf.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ActiveIcon.f9fb4e63a199b5a04c5e13fa13e0b149.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ActiveItems.f0ecbe804cfe98e18401.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ActiveItems.f0ecbe804cfe98e184010f0b83475fee.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ActiveItemsSelected.b022496617d20cf7fa3d.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\AddIcon.337046ac938daca1b01eedaa2cfaa0ee.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\AddRole.0ca4dd3bb815809c0cb66af6bc9bf7cb.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\AdminSettings.f76bba3b08cb99702d659f247e889ecc.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\AllItems.279e451759322fcdb78e.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\AllItems.279e451759322fcdb78e5a915309832c.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\AllItemsSelected.0e42daa2e8e96694eb40.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\AppLogo.26a3793d228728847b3126c0fbc6895e.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ButtonEditIcon.ad8f1f82093ae8ef72bc1449607b1622.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ClosedIcon.0683460b84f933c270d4b644e90a5c23.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ClosedItems.2c7115a1dbc9d7ccfe97.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ClosedItems.2c7115a1dbc9d7ccfe977494f43ab3cf.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ClosedItemsSelected.aef43204e73fe0596c47.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\CloudIcon.20b3b7211a482637c83fd5a402a2aeec.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\DeleteBoldIcon.55c3e3d0fd8c097640e7679d927d161a.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\DeleteIcon.a9c07dc43f11c90d1c8cab1fef2a193d.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\EditIncidentBoldIcon.9c7fc4ba96cdf347c01eed699cc97d66.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\EocSubheader.950e5cf5e7e724298368.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\FeedbackIcon.094038d0d04f8fe46faad448feef693f.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\GridEditIcon.40dbf33163a94797f988b6d5b6acda00.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\HelpIcon.2940cb9a30a2f328c3e508eddcb8717a.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\IncidentHistoryBoldIcon.67e37ceb9b097477a06bda2f67504d6a.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\IncidentHistoryIcon.34da49f56ea19810ea6b60ade15bd641.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\InfoIcon.c1493eeb7d8e103d753de9a914f99063.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ListViewIcon.bcca38dfd531abcb5ff034a8daa9b9fc.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\Manage Incident Types.2bca030dd668209af9c464fb5fc24cbe.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\Manage Roles.2ab947374f17d480e534099538ab8264.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ManageIcon.9e649e392204438abd3a980f7d5eb64f.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\ManageIconActive.e5ca47a765314f4833679979b08361d5.svg' Copying file: 'static\media\NewsIcon.5e23ac466f605fa578d437ce42c720d7.svg' Omitting next output lines... Finished successfully.

v-asshrirao commented 9 months ago

@hepburnhelpdesk, Can you please share few more details which will help us to troubleshoot better.

  1. Can you share the site name you are using when running provisioning script? Please note 'Site name cannot contain symbols other than underscore, dashes, single quotes, and periods (_,-,',.), and can't start or end with a period.'
  2. Can you also share screenshot to verify if deployment is successful, Navigate to resource group created and share deployment screenshot. image
hepburnhelpdesk commented 9 months ago

TenantName = hepburnshirecouncil AdminEmail = SiteName = hepburnwebeoc

When I try to upload files (Screen Caps) I get Something went really wrong, and we can't process that file..... WEB Capture.docx

v-asshrirao commented 9 months ago

@hepburnhelpdesk , We will need few more details from you. Can you please navigate to Resource group > Deployments and confirm if everything is deployed successfully. If deployment is failed for any on resource in the resource group you will have to do the fresh deployment again. Also please confirm if all lists and libraries are created in SharePoint site provisioned.

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 8 months ago

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