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How to get the current Word data in the base64 form #4518

Closed RishiKumar156 closed 5 months ago

RishiKumar156 commented 5 months ago

Hi devs, Sorry for this issue I've been trying to implement this method for the past fews weeks, But there are no standar way to implement a method where it can get all the data from the current word doc as base64, I'm using React add-ins

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AlexJerabek commented 5 months ago

Hi @RishiKumar156,

Thank you for reaching out. Have you tried using the Document.insertFileFromBase64 method? That should get the contents of a Word doc (that's been parsed into a base64-encoded string) and insert it into your current document. You can see this workflow in action in the Import templates in a Word document sample.

Please let me know if that helps. Assigning @ElizabethSamuel-MSFT to follow up.

RishiKumar156 commented 1 month ago

Hi @RishiKumar156,

Thank you for reaching out. Have you tried using the Document.insertFileFromBase64 method? That should get the contents of a Word doc (that's been parsed into a base64-encoded string) and insert it into your current document. You can see this workflow in action in the Import templates in a Word document sample.

Please let me know if that helps. Assigning @ElizabethSamuel-MSFT to follow up.

Hi it was from my end I have resolved it, thank you for the reference.

RishiKumar156 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm having trouble implementing react-router-dom in my project. Despite multiple attempts, I've been unable to succeed. Can you help me tackle this issue?

AlexJerabek commented 1 month ago

Hi @RishiKumar156,

For react questions, I'd recommend asking on Stack Overflow, using both the "office-js" and "react" tags. Stack is the best place to get help with these intersections of technology.

RishiKumar156 commented 1 month ago

Hi @RishiKumar156,

For react questions, I'd recommend asking on Stack Overflow, using both the "office-js" and "react" tags. Stack is the best place to get help with these intersections of technology.

thank you for the heads up, But I got the problem sorted out. Not to mention that I have reaised a question long time ago at stack overflow, But I got zero response, well it's all fine now thank you :)