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Refreshing conditional formatting #1157

Closed redcirkle closed 1 year ago

redcirkle commented 4 years ago

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We are building an Excel add-in that applies conditional formatting to some columns. Depending on input data, we shade the cells green. However, we notice that, if we copy-and-paste data into the sheet, the conditional formatting doesn't calculate right away. Here's an example artifact: image

The white portion of the column is visible as the user copies the data, and when we scroll over we see the rest of the column in green. It seems like the off-screen columns are formatting correctly, but not the on-screen part.

Note: My issue is not with this artifacting. It's just to highlight how the conditional formatting doesn't update automatically, and our need for a programmatic solution.

We'd like to update the conditional formatting programmatically. In general, here are the solutions we've found:

app.suspendScreenUpdatingUntilNextSync(); does update the in-sheet conditional formatting, but it causes a "flicker" in our taskpane (because it suspends the screen update for a moment, hiding what was on the pane). Is there a different method we should call to update all in-sheet conditional formatting?

AlexJerabek commented 4 years ago

Hi @redcirkle,

Can you please share some code to help reproduce the issue (perhaps a Script Lab snippet)? Off-hand, I would expect the copy-and-paste to overwrite the conditional formatting, since, by default, copy-and-paste copies over the formatting. You'd have to explicitly copy the values only.


redcirkle commented 4 years ago

Hi @AlexJerabek,

Apologies in advance, I can't provide a Script Lab snippet at the moment. We're using this function to create our custom conditional formatting though (though we're seeing the artifacts across all conditional formatting). image

For the copy-and-paste, that's good to call out. We are copy-pasting for value only, selecting the following option from the paste menu: image

We still see the behavior though, that copy-pasting values (and only values) doesn't update the conditional formatting immediately. If we fill data in cell by cell, it does, but not when pasting data in bulk.

We see the same behavior when deleting data as well. Choosing "Yes" for this column causes these other cells to turn red. This is our baseline, expected behavior. image

When I click on that "Yes" cell though, and hit Delete, the conditional formatting doesn't reload correctly all the way (turning all the cells white again). image

Part of this probably comes down to the complexity of our formula, but what we note here is that the conditional formatting didn't update completely. To update completely, we still need to:

My suspicion is that conditional formatting doesn't recalculate when users add/delete from cells without clicking into them. I was able to confirm this by copy-pasting a value into another cell that has conditional formatting (which looked like this): image

and then clicking into that same cell that had conditional formatting to select that value in-cell (which looked like this): image

When I paste without clicking into the cell, no re-calculation occurs, and the artifacts remain. When I click into the cell itself, the re-calculation occurs, updating all conditional formatting.

We want to run that re-calculation programmatically somehow, so users can see the correct conditional formatting without clicking into any cells. We want to attach a re-calculation call to a taskpane button so users can click it and "refresh" the conditional formatting, removing any lingering artifacts.

Do you know if there's a method in the API to accomplish this, or would app.suspendScreenUpdatingUntilNextSync(); be our best bet for the time being?

AlexJerabek commented 4 years ago

@redcirkle, Thanks for the detailed walkthrough. Does Application.calculate trigger the conditional formatting update for you? If that doesn't work, I'll transfer this issue to the product repo, as it may be an issue in Office-JS or Excel.

redcirkle commented 4 years ago

@AlexJerabek thanks for the quick response! We tried that method based on your recommendation, but it doesn't seem like any of the calculate options include the conditional formatting. We also tried the suspendApiCalculationUntilNextSync method, to no avail. image

Please transfer the issue if you can, that would be great! We just want to make sure we're updating this the most effective way possible. Thanks!

AlexJerabek commented 4 years ago

Hi @lumine2008 and @MandytMSFT, Could either of you please take a look at this conditional formatting issue? It seems like the conditional formatting is not being reliably re-applied when new data is copy-and-pasted. Thanks!

lumine2008 commented 3 years ago

@redcirkle could you kindly share us the scriptlab gist/snippet? thanks

lumine2008 commented 3 years ago

i am closing this issue, due to not repro in our side, please reopen, if you still observe this issue, thanks

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

I ran into a very similar issue a couple of days back and I can confirm that still happening.

The only detail I found to be crucial for being able to replicate this issue is to bulk-paste data into the cell which then makes the table exceed the current number of rows.

conditional formatting rules - appendix to issue

Any idea why this is happening? Is there any way how to "listen" to what the Excel app currently doing when it comes to conditional formatting? Is there any way how to force the Worksheet to re-calculate with conditional formatting (I tried all options I found in the Office.js documentation in MSDN and none of them worked for me. Btw. clicking on "Calculate Worksheet" button in the "Formulas" tab in the Excel ribbon did the trick )?

AlexJerabek commented 2 years ago

Hi @stenly311,

Thanks you the details. I'll reopen this issue. @guliums, could you please take a look?

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

No worries. Thanks guys for taking a second look at this.

However, this may actually be an issue caused by Excel itself as demonstrated in the video. Moreover, I am able to run into the same faulty behaviour by populating new rows into the worksheet table from the code in Web Add-in app (Task pane).

Any help on codebases of how to force the worksheet to re-calculate conditional formatting is appreciated.

AlexJerabek commented 2 years ago

If you're able to recreate the issue in Excel alone, I'd recommend using Excel's "Send Feedback" mechanism. That'll capture some product data and route it to the right people.

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

I will do. Thanks. However, I still do think that there must be an issue in Office.js lib because of the inconsistency of how the button in Excel ribbon works compering to the function called by using Office.js (I am assuming that the same logic should be invoked). Clicking on "Calculate Sheet" button in the ribbon fixes the conditional formatting issue.

let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet(); sheet.calculate()



JinghuiMS commented 2 years ago

@stenly311 Could you provide your Excel workbook and steps to reproduce this issue by using sheet.calculate() API to help us repro this issue? Better to attach a repo video which used sheet.calculate() API. Thanks!

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

Hi @JinghuiMS thanks for taking a look at this issue. I will appreciate any working idea of how to get over it :)

Video how to replicate: Task pane UI: Calculations solution from default github repo has been used in Script Lab The workbook is attached. UI Spreadsheet 1 016-MS version 2.xlsx

Let me know if having more questions. Martin.

JinghuiMS commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting. BUG 5990610 has opened for internal track.

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

Hi @JinghuiMS how are you? Just following up on this issue, any luck with the issue investigation?

Thank you. M.

guliums commented 2 years ago

Hi @stenly311 sorry for late response. Thanks very much for the detailed repro video and file, that is very helpful for us to confirm a bug that conditional format is not refreshed in some case. For your scenario, could you try worksheet.calculate(true) API which should work like the calculate button in ribbon. Please let me know if it does not work. Thanks!

async function run() { await (context) => { const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet(); sheet.calculate(true); await context.sync(); }); }

ghost commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it is marked as needing author feedback but has not had any activity for 4 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 3 days of this comment. Thank you for your interest in Office Add-ins!

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

Hi @guliums , thanks for sharing this script with me.

However, the background colours of conditional formatting seem not to be working consistently after running it on the same workbook provided here initially.

Here is the vid of the test running by myself:

Source code to use for ScriptLab:

I was expecting to see conditional formatting working in the case of using this approach in the event of new rows in the worksheet table inserted/created.

A new row added in the table seems to me to be the trigger of this issue.

Otherwise, there is no way how to detect when to call a sheet.calculate(true) function programmatically.

Obviously doing it on every cell value commit would be a very bad design to follow.

Were you anyhow successful with the case investigation?

Thank you, Martin.

ghost commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it is marked as needing author feedback but has not had any activity for 4 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 3 days of this comment. Thank you for your interest in Office Add-ins!

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

Hi @guliums any luck with the investigation? thanks

ghost commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it is marked as needing author feedback but has not had any activity for 4 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 3 days of this comment. Thank you for your interest in Office Add-ins!

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

Hi @guliums any luck with the investigation? thanks

guliums commented 2 years ago

Hi @stenly311 , sorry for late response. Excel team are actively working on the bug you reported that conditional format does not refresh automatically in this case, internally tracked by VSO 6043693. I will follow up and let you know when there are update. From API side, unfortunately I currently don't have a better solution other than call worksheet.calculate(true) every time on worksheet data change event... I agree it is not a good design but you could use it as temporary workaround before the bug fixed. Thanks for your support!

ghost commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it is marked as needing author feedback but has not had any activity for 4 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 3 days of this comment. Thank you for your interest in Office Add-ins!

stenly311 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @guliums . Looking forward to hearing from you on the ticket update.

ghost commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it is marked as needing author feedback but has not had any activity for 4 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 3 days of this comment. Thank you for your interest in Office Add-ins!

ghost commented 1 year ago

This issue has been closed due to inactivity. Please comment if you still need assistance and we'll re-open the issue.

stenly311 commented 1 year ago

hi @guliums , I thought I am going to give you a short update on how using "worksheet.calculate(true)" works for us.

Firstly, I was surprised by the Excel application performance lagging after calling this function in the Task pane app compared to the Excel native calculate sheet feature found upon this UI: image Calling "worksheet.calculate(true)" in web addin application (Task pane) takes between 5-15s, but (I am assuming this button invokes the same business logic behind the scenes) getting the active worksheet refreshed via clicking the button from the Excel ribbon only 1s.

Secondly, "worksheet.calculate(true)" does not fix the conditional formating issue every time compared to "calculate sheet" button in Excel.

Am I experiencing two separate on each other issues in the Office.js framework and the Excel application:

  1. conditional formatting
  2. "worksheet.calculate(true)" does not re-calculate the whole worksheet the same way as the functionality attached to the UI button "Calculate Sheet" from the Excel ribbon (Formulas tab)?

Either way, the proposed solution for this issue does not fix the problem but brought the inconsistency into the feature behavior (based on end-user experience, using Task pane web Add-in as a product).

Could you assist and help me to find a better solution for this issue, please?

Thank you, Martin.

guliums commented 1 year ago

Hi @stenly311 , sorry for the inconvenience. Do you have an example file that shows the worksheet.calculate(true) different with UI "Calculate Sheet"?

sndurkin commented 9 months ago

Hi @guliums, it looks like this issue was closed due to inactivity but it still seems to be a problem. Is there any update on when this will be fixed?