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Unable to view permissions while deploying an add-in #4382

Open varunrathi1910 opened 4 weeks ago

varunrathi1910 commented 4 weeks ago

Unable to view permissions while deploying an add-in. The issue is persistent across custom add-ins and add-ins from the store. Please refer to the below screenshot :


Upon further debugging, we found that the below endpoint returns name and description as null for the scopes. Please refer the attached screenshot


samantharamon commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @varunrathi1910,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I'm following up on this internally for investigation.

Nurou commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @samantharamon, JFYI we're also experiencing this issue

samantharamon commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for also reporting this, @Nurou. We're still following up on this with the team who supports this.

samantharamon commented 2 weeks ago

@AkhileshShah-MS, could you please investigate this issue further? Thanks!

AkhileshShah-MS commented 6 days ago

@Nurou @varunrathi1910 @samantharamon The issue has been resolved by team. Please try this again and let me know if any issues. Thanks!