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Office Online add-in unable to communicate with dialog via BroadcastChannel #4387

Open jim22k opened 3 weeks ago

jim22k commented 3 weeks ago

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Dialogs opened using displayDialogAsync are unable to communicate back to the main add-in using a BroadcastChannel for Office Online.

Your Environment

Expected behavior

  1. Create a BroadcastChannel in Excel add-in and register a channel.onmessage listener.
  2. Open a dialog using Office.context.ui.displayDialogAsync(url, { promptBeforeOpen: false }) to a page in the same origin as the add-in (a requirement of displayDialogAsync).
  3. Create a BroadcastChannel in the new dialog window with the same channel id that the add-in's broadcast listener has.
  4. Call channel.postMessage(msg) from the dialog.
  5. The add-in receives the message via the broadcast channel.

Current behavior

The message is never received. Note that the message is received when run in Excel for Mac. I have also verified that BroadcastChannel works

Steps to reproduce

  1. See Expected behavior section

Link to live example(s)

Provide additional details

  1. A simple dialog page that should be able to communicate back with the add-in
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
    const channel = new BroadcastChannel("DialogTestChannel");
    channel.postMessage("Can you hear me?");
  2. Code to open the dialog from the taskpane
    const channel = new BroadcastChannel("DialogTestChannel");
    channel.onmessage = (e) => {
    console.log("GOT THE BROADCAST MESSAGE", e);
    { promptBeforeOpen: false },


Communicating using BroadcastChannel seems pointless given that Office.context.ui.messageParent exists. Why not just use that?

I tried that, but after going thru my OAuth redirect flow (cross-origin), it is no longer possible to communicate with the add-in because Office.js cannot be loaded. I suspect this is due to the fact that window.opener is null after all the redirects. See (comments at the end) for other users who appear to be having this same issue with Office Online. I suspect that if my OAuth provider set the correct headers, the referrer and/or original window opener could be preserved and things would work, but I do not have control over that.

I wanted a workaround solution, and BroadcastChannel should work as a mechanism for communicating between a window and an iframe from the same origin. However, something about Office Online seems to be blocking the BroadcastChannel communication to and from the add-in.

Useful logs

Thank you for taking the time to report an issue. Our triage team will respond to you in less than 72 hours. Normally, response time is <10 hours Monday through Friday. We do not triage on weekends.

shanshanzheng-dev commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @m-hellesen, Could you help take a look this issue? Thanks.