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Support drag and drop on OfficeJS addins Outlook #4422

Open CodeCube0 opened 1 week ago

CodeCube0 commented 1 week ago

when do they implement drag and drop functionality? Is the feature at least in the road map? Where I see the progress?

ElizabethSamuel-MSFT commented 1 week ago

@CodeCube0 Thanks for asking about this.

@m-hellesen Are you to correct person to look into this? If not, do advise ASAP so we can reassign.


CodeCube0 commented 1 week ago

do you have any news? @ElizabethSamuel-MSFT @m-hellesen

CodeCube0 commented 4 days ago

Is there any news? @ElizabethSamuel-MSFT @m-hellesen

JuaneloJuanelo commented 4 days ago

@CodeCube0 we have an item in our backlog to work on this. However, we want to understand in more detail what you need. questions for you:

  1. whats your scenario? you are dragging items from outlook into the taskpane? other way around?
  2. what types of items are you dragging and what properties you are expecting to have for your scenario to work?
  3. In what platform this is an issue? I.e. Win32 already supports drag and drop, are you targeting a specific platform? what issues have you observed? thanks!
CodeCube0 commented 4 days ago

From Outlook Web, it's not possible to discern which email is being dragged because while in Outlook Desktop, you're actually dragging a file, in Outlook Web, you're dragging an HTML tag. It would be useful to have the email ID or other parameters to download the email file or understand which email is being dragged.

JuaneloJuanelo commented 2 days ago

@CodeCube0 to clarify, you are dragging an Outlook email into the taskpane, right?. Can you please confirm this is working on Desktop? you should .. thanks!

CodeCube0 commented 2 days ago

It works but only in the old outlook not in the new outlook