OfficeDev / office-js

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getAsFileAsync 2x slower on safari desktop outlook client than on OWA on same computer/mail #4436

Open kbrilla opened 3 weeks ago

kbrilla commented 3 weeks ago

getAsFileAsync is 2x slower on safari desktop outlook client than on OWA on same computer/mail Mail of around 15MB takes 12 seconds to download on OWA(Safari/Chrome too) - still very slow but on desktop client it takes 22 seconds. Same mail, sam network, computer etc.

Your Environment

Expected behavior

Same perfomrance, still mayby better one?

mmanjaree-msft commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting this. We have put this issue in our backlog but unfortunately, we do not have any timelines to share at this point. Internal Tracking id : 8983775