OfficeDev / office-js

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RibbonApi 1.1 support #4475

Open ishanig11 opened 2 weeks ago

ishanig11 commented 2 weeks ago


I am using latest Office 365 application online version. Below are version details. image Also add below entry in manifest file: image

I am using office.js. But if I execute Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported("RibbonApi", "1.1") command from my addin, it returns false. Can you please tell me which setting I am missing?


Rick-Kirkham commented 2 weeks ago

Are you sure that you're working with a host that supports it? Check out the Important! note on this page: RibbonApi Requirement Sets.

ishanig11 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes. I am testing this one Office 365 online version and as per documents its supported. Attached manifest file also for reference.

EsterBergen commented 1 week ago

@ishanig11 - Are you seeing this error on a specific host? Like PowerPoint Online, Excel Online, or Word Online?

ishanig11 commented 1 week ago

@EsterBergen I want to use add-in commands enable/disable functionality. But its not working as above value is coming as false.

EsterBergen commented 1 week ago

@ishanig11 - thanks again! Do you want to use this on a specific program? Like Excel, PowerPoint, Word?

ishanig11 commented 1 week ago

@EsterBergen : Yes I want to use it for Word, Excel & PowerPoint. have created separate manifest file for Word, Excel & PowerPoint.

EsterBergen commented 1 week ago

Hi @ishanig11 - Thanks for clarifying! This should work already for Excel. Word and Powerpoint Online are not yet available and we're working to enable the Ribbon Api Set 1.1 in the upcoming months.

ishanig11 commented 1 week ago

@EsterBergen : Thank you for the updates? Can you please tell me when will it be available in Word and Powerpoint? We are planning to deploy our developed addin by mid of June.

EsterBergen commented 1 day ago

@ishanig11 - we don't have a sense of the release yet. It will most likely be after June. I will update this ticket once more clarity is available.