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Filter a table - copy the filtered results #758

Open JohnR471 opened 3 months ago

JohnR471 commented 3 months ago

Type of issue

Code doesn't work


On Page, under the heading "Filter a table" there is a "Tip" box which offers the following tip "Copy the filtered information across the workbook by using Range.copyFrom. Add the following line to the end of the script to create a new worksheet with the filtered data." (my emphasis) with the following Typescript code workbook.addWorksheet().getRange("A1").copyFrom(table.getRange()); . This code, however, does not copy only the filtered set of table data, rather it copies the entire (un-filtered) table data. It would be good if the code were corrected to achieve the stated objective.

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alison-mk commented 2 months ago

Hi @JohnR471, thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I'm working on a solution. I'll report back here once I have a solution.

Thanks, Alison

alison-mk commented 2 months ago

Hi @JohnR471,

To copy the filtered table data to a new worksheet, you can use the following code:

    const tableData = table.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();

    let x: ExcelScript.Range[] = [];
    const stationData = stationColumn.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();
    const stationRowCount = stationData.getRowCount();

    for (let i = 0; i < stationRowCount; i++) {
      if (!stationData.getRow(i).getRowHidden()) {


    const newSheet = workbook.addWorksheet();
    let rowNumber = 0;

    x.forEach((row) => {
      newSheet.getRangeByIndexes(rowNumber, 0, 1, row.getColumnCount()).copyFrom(row);

I'm still working on an update for the article, so I'll leave this issue open in the interim.