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Script Lab language selection behaviour in Excel Online for an unsupported language #568

Open maninweb opened 6 years ago

maninweb commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

yesterday, I was curious how Script Lab will act, if I change the language to an unsupported language (by Script Lab) on my personal OneDrive account. So, I did some tests and for me, it feels like that some behaviours are not correct. But I am unsure of this. And, in case it's an issue, I am usure too, if it's related to Script Lab.

For testing, I did the following steps:

So, for changing the language of OneDrive to Italian, I selected the option accessible from the wheel icon in the menue at the top right. It looks like this:


Once I had changed the language, I created a new Excel file (Nuovo / Cartella di lavoro di Excel). So, I see the UI in Italian now. I added Script Lab from the Store.


Looks good. After then I opened the Code Pane from Script Lab. As expected, this is in English, as Italian is not translated in Script Lab yet.


Without connecting to GitHub, I then imported one of my scripts from from a GitHub Gist for retrieving the display language and content language by code. The import was successful and I was going to run the script by clicking on the Run-Button from the ribbon. Interesting thing is, that the launch screen is in German now. Hmm, shouldn't it be in English?


The tooltips in the Run pane are in German too, as shown in the screenshot below. My code returns Italian as display language and German as content language.


Going back to the Code pane shows it still in English. but if I now click again on the Code button in the ribbon menu tab, it switches to German.


From my understanding, Script Lab should not switch to German but remain in English. But, maybe, does it have something to do with the content language, which is set to German?

I took a look in the About dialog from the Code Pane and German was selected. But I had the idea to check what was shown in the dialog when starting Script Lab and therefore I repeated the test from scratch. Just after having installed Script Lab and opening the Code pane for the first time, nothing was selected.


So, in summary, is this an issue in Script Lab?

May be the following is a little bit off topic, but I would also like to give some feedback about the content language value:

How the content language is retrieved by Office (I only tested Excel) and what factors influence it, remains a little bit mystery for me. I firstly tried many things to get this value changed for example to Italian: changing the browser language, changing the preferred languages by the browser, removing them; no success. Until, at some time, I had the idea to change my location of my personal windows account from This seems to influence the content language, because when I set my location to France, the value of contentLanguage in Excel changes to fr-FR after some time.

Personally, I think, having to go to my account and changing my location for changing the content language is complicated. For example, if I change my language on OneDrive, I would expect to have all things in this language and, if not, have an additional option to explicitely change the content language. Of course, may be possible, that there are things, I did not thought about.

I guess, the content language is also retrieved by the Excel functions assistant to show some information. As in Excel Online, when changing the UI language, some texts remain in German (function name in blue), what would explain it.


Best, Mourad

Zlatkovsky commented 6 years ago

Sounds like a platform issue. @dsaunders45459 or @saunders77 , would you mind following up?