Official-Outcast13 / Fallout-13

The codebase for the Outcast 13 server.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Tableflips #39

Open Sansaur opened 6 years ago

Sansaur commented 6 years ago

Indeed tableflips would be a nice thing to add, but we'll need sprites for the flippable tables in all directions, and we won't make "thick" tables flippable.

The idea is that tables that are a "straight line with 1 tile of width" should be able to be flipped instantly, but then they'd take time to put back on a standing position. Flipped tables should stop bullets and thrown items (Making them as dense as a wall? // They can only stop things from one/two directions at a time or do we not waste time with that?)

Well, we'll have to think about that. Maybe the table can block bullets but it gets damaged?

Sansaur commented 6 years ago

This will be kinda problematic, but it can be done.