OfficialIncubo / BeatDrop-Music-Visualizer

The Milkdrop2 Music Visualization Standalone, only for Windows
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I'm getting this error and some others #27

Closed boobthecat closed 2 months ago

boobthecat commented 4 months ago

image It's really hard to screenshot because I have 10,000 presets and only in some of those these messages appear. Is there a way to hide these or auto-skip (better yet, auto-delete) these presets that don't work?

boobthecat commented 4 months ago

Caught another one image








OfficialIncubo commented 4 months ago

image It's really hard to screenshot because I have 10,000 presets and only in some of those these messages appear. Is there a way to hide these or auto-skip (better yet, auto-delete) these presets that don't work?

If you are getting a maximum instruction error, my recommendation is by upgrading a pixel shader version by pressing 'M' -> upgrade preset's pixel shader version, then press 'Y'. Reload the shaders by going to [edit warp/comp shader code], then CTRL + ENTER it.

Now it should be able to reload it without errors.

OfficialIncubo commented 4 months ago

Caught another one image






That's because of syntax errors or sound() variable which isn't supported yet (was introduced in MilkDrop v1.05 beta6), sadly I can't reverse engineer it to revive the sound() variable in order to work. ...and tan(tan) doesn't work because it needs brackets with just a float or a stored variable with float.

OfficialIncubo commented 4 months ago

About this error:


The error caused by g1=treb.6, which is a syntax error. This should be g1=treb+.6 in custom wave 1 per-point code.

OfficialIncubo commented 4 months ago


This will be additive=above(sin(time*200),0.99); in custom shape 1 per-frame code.

boobthecat commented 4 months ago

Thank you for labeling my issue as good lol. I also get these issues using Milkdrop2077's "Milkdrop 3"

boobthecat commented 4 months ago

I will keep adding the errors I find to my second reply.

OfficialIncubo commented 2 months ago

I am closing this issue because it's inactive. Feel free to reopen if you find some presets that has errors :)