OgarProject / Ogar

An open source Agar.io server implementation, written with Node.js.
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Virus #349

Closed BaumanDev closed 8 years ago

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

Basicly when you added cell.ignoreCollision you made it ignore the collision for the cells themselves, nt the splitting, because cell. is reffering to the player cells.

ghost commented 8 years ago

but do you know any way 2 fix this? e7204c10-b0c2-11e5-9987-15bcda10abe4

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

Removing cell.ignoreCollision until we can get the function that @AgarioCheats says "he has"

ghost commented 8 years ago

another example: capture

ghost commented 8 years ago

just put // behind it: //cell.ignoreCollision = true;

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

Sure, or that.

Ogarunite commented 8 years ago

Credits to @Ogarunite and @AgarioCheats Hopefully this will help a bit towards achieving what we wish to achieve. It's still not perfect though and the collision engine must be recoded or atleast changed in order for it to work a LOT better. This is a temporary, weak, way of achieving the smooth slow split. Magic formula included:

    var split = new Entity.PlayerCell(this.getNextNodeId(), client, startPos, newMass);
    var increase = -3.61 + 13.6*Math.log(cell.mass);

    cell.setMoveEngineData(0, 18, 1); //OgarUnite -> Important for smooth, slow split
    if (cell.mass < 200) {
        split.setMoveEngineData(splitSpeed -5, 20, 0.91);
    else if (cell.mass < 500 && cell.mass > 201) {
        split.setMoveEngineData(increase -2, 18, 0.90);
    else if (cell.mass < 4000 && cell.mass > 2000) {
        split.setMoveEngineData(increase - 15, 18, 0.90);
    else {
        split.setMoveEngineData(increase - 27, 18, 0.9);
    split.ignoreCollision = true;
    cell.ignoreCollision = true;


//[Edited - changed values a bit to better fit the default values of Ogar]

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@Ogarunite Omg. This isn't half bad at all. A little bit more tweaks and we have agar.io splitting xP

Dogeyy commented 8 years ago

Add this to ogar like right now, I would love to see this added ASAP! :dancer:

mrmarktyy commented 8 years ago

origin cell would freeze during a splitting, this feels bizarre

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@mrmarktyy Hmm? Can you show me a picture?

mrmarktyy commented 8 years ago

this line of code,

    cell.setMoveEngineData(0, 18, 1); //OgarUnite -> Important for smooth, slow split
BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@mrmarktyy What about it? xD

ghost commented 8 years ago

@mrmarktyy THAT FIXED MY PROBLEM! cell.setMoveEngineData(0, 18, 1); PUT IT UNDER(in gameserver.js):

cell.mass = newMass;


var splitSpeed = cell.getSpeed() * 6;
var newMass = cell.mass / 2;
var newMass = cell.mass / 2;
cell.mass = newMass;
cell.setMoveEngineData(0, 18, 1);
ghost commented 8 years ago

@mrmarktyy Would you happen to know how to simulate the collision of ejected mass? You are a code expert and i'm sorta bad at big coding lol. i just stick with basic coding. But still i want to know how to simulate ejected mass collision.

Ogarunite commented 8 years ago

@mrmarktyy That's due to using an edited version of Ogar. If you use the clean version (download the latest source of Ogar) and include the code, the origin cell won't stop.

@Agarian, Glad it worked.

mrmarktyy commented 8 years ago

@Ogarunite yeah, maybe you're right, i'll try that. I did test this in edited version of Ogar.

mrmarktyy commented 8 years ago

@Agarian I'll give it a shot when I got some time. but not sure how to do it yet. ;(

ghost commented 8 years ago

ok good luck and tell me if you succeed. i was actually thinking that an ignoreCollision function would do it but it did not.

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@mrmarktyy Goodluck man!

@Ogarunite I found out what's still wrong with the splitting. The big cell get pushed by smaller cells when they are separated.

(In case you don't know what I mean) When you split and you have a small cell inside you that comes out, it only should come out, but it comes out and the big split cells gets pushed. Can you try to fix this?

Ogarunite commented 8 years ago

@NatsuTheGreat I know what you mean. Unfortunately that's rooted deeper, in the collision engine and the way that works. After cells split -> They calculate merge time -> Check for collision, and that's when the process is where mainly two problems appear: 1) Small cells push the larger cells. Solution -> Prioritize larger cells when splitting, and eventually the smaller ones afterwards?

2) cell-collision is ignored very roughly and the cells simply pop back from being on top of each other, to the sides very roughly. This process needs to be recoded so that it will be smooth and slower, and also reduced angle so that they won't move so "far away" from each other.

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@Ogarunite Can you code this man?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@Ogarunite that "weak" fix worked nicely with the line of code offered by @mrmarktyy

retslac commented 8 years ago

Hello all.

I'm using kind of a different approach for the smooth split which also works great. I don't use "cell.ignoreCollision = true" as it creates it's own problems. Code still needs a bit more collision rewriting though. Already got the smoother collisions and got the big cells pushing harder against the smaller cells. But still have to work out a few other unwanted side-effects. Will post the complete code changes when i'm finished and happy with the end result (probably somewhere end this week or so, haven't got much time next couple of days to work on this).

@Agarian you also wanted the ejected mass collision. Already got that one working. Will post code for that in the appropriate issue #345 after i'm done on the above playercell collision.

AgarioCheats commented 8 years ago

@restlac What did you do instead of cell.ignoreCollision?

retslac commented 8 years ago

Well, I guess I would have to give you the complete code changes for it to work properly, but basically i changed this line of code in PlayerCell.js:

if ((this.nodeId == cell.nodeId) || (this.ignoreCollision)) {

in this:

if ((this.nodeId == cell.nodeId) || (this.ignoreCollision) || (cell.ignoreCollision)) {

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@retslac Wish you luck man!

retslac commented 8 years ago

Finished the code. Here's my version of smooth physics. Gotta say, it's a bunch of code changes because of the rewrite of the collision engine. As many of you've probably made previous changes to the original code, you might have to undo some of that work to make this code work correctly.

I will start by summing up all the new features included in this code. If you don't want them all you'll have to filter out and change the parts you don't want yourself.

Included in this code:

Also, i tweaked the settings a little bit to fit as close as possible to vanilla agar.io style. Personally, i'm using different settings as i like a bit faster and further cell splitting. I'll include my personal preference settings at the end of this post. You can try them out or you can tweak the values to fit your own style if you wish.

ok, here we go:

1. Replaced function calcMove in PlayerCell.js
PlayerCell.prototype.calcMove = function(x2, y2, gameServer) {
    var config = gameServer.config;
    var r = this.getSize(); // Cell radius

    // Get angle
    var deltaY = y2 - this.position.y;
    var deltaX = x2 - this.position.x;
    var angle = Math.atan2(deltaX,deltaY);

    if(isNaN(angle)) {

    // Distance between mouse pointer and cell
    var dist = this.getDist(this.position.x,this.position.y,x2,y2);
    var speed = Math.min(this.getSpeed(),dist);

    var x1 = this.position.x + (speed * Math.sin(angle));
    var y1 = this.position.y + (speed * Math.cos(angle));
    var xd = 0;
    var yd = 0;

    // Collision check for other cells
    for (var i = 0; i < this.owner.cells.length;i++) {
        var cell = this.owner.cells[i];

        if ((this.nodeId <= cell.nodeId) || (this.ignoreCollision) || (cell.ignoreCollision)) {

        if ((cell.recombineTicks > 0) || (this.recombineTicks > 0)) {
            // Cannot recombine - Collision with your own cells
            var r1 = cell.getSize();
            var collisionDist = r + r1 + 5; // Minimum distance between the 2 cells (add a little distance in between which looks a bit better for multi-split cells)
            if (!this.simpleCollide(x1,y1,cell,collisionDist)) {
                // Skip

            // First collision check passed... now more precise checking
            dist = this.getDist(x1,y1,cell.position.x,cell.position.y);

            // Calculations
            if (dist < collisionDist) { // Collided
                var newDeltaY = cell.position.y - y1;
                var newDeltaX = cell.position.x - x1;
                var newAngle = Math.atan2(newDeltaX,newDeltaY);
                var maxMove = Math.max(Math.ceil(Math.max(r,r1) / 2), 360); //for smaller cells use push out speed 360, for bigger cells add some speed
                var move = Math.min(collisionDist - dist, maxMove);
                var moveCell = move * this.mass / (this.mass + cell.mass); //big cells push harder against smaller cells
                var moveThis = move - moveCell;
                var sin = Math.sin(newAngle);
                var cos = Math.cos(newAngle);
                cell.position.x += (moveCell * sin) >> 0;
                cell.position.y += (moveCell * cos) >> 0;
                xd += (moveThis * -sin);
                yd += (moveThis * -cos);

    var xSave = this.position.x;
    var ySave = this.position.y;
    x1 += xd + (this.position.x - xSave);
    y1 += yd + (this.position.y - ySave);


    // Check to ensure we're not passing the world border
    if (x1 < config.borderLeft) {
        x1 = config.borderLeft;
    if (x1 > config.borderRight) {
        x1 = config.borderRight;
    if (y1 < config.borderTop) {
        y1 = config.borderTop;
    if (y1 > config.borderBottom) {
        y1 = config.borderBottom;

    this.position.x = x1 >> 0;
    this.position.y = y1 >> 0;
2. Added new variable to PlayerCell.js and added new function onAutoMove to PlayerCell.js
function PlayerCell() {
    Cell.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));

    this.cellType = 0;
    this.recombineTicks = 0; // Ticks until the cell can recombine with other cells 
    this.ignoreCollision = false; // This is used by player cells so that they dont cause any problems when splitting
    this.restoreCollisionTicks = 0; // Ticks after which collision is restored on a moving cell
PlayerCell.prototype.onAutoMove = function(gameServer) {
    // Restore collision
    if (this.restoreCollisionTicks > 0) {
        if (this.restoreCollisionTicks <= 0) {
            this.ignoreCollision = false;
3. Replaced function splitCells in GameServer.js
GameServer.prototype.splitCells = function(client) {
    var len = client.cells.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (client.cells.length >= this.config.playerMaxCells) {
            // Player cell limit

        var cell = client.cells[i];
        if (!cell) {

        if (cell.mass < this.config.playerMinMassSplit) {

        // Get angle
        var deltaY = client.mouse.y - cell.position.y;
        var deltaX = client.mouse.x - cell.position.x;
        var angle = Math.atan2(deltaX,deltaY);

        // Get starting position
        var startPos = {x: cell.position.x, y: cell.position.y};
        // Calculate mass and speed of splitting cell
        var newMass = cell.mass / 2;
        cell.mass = newMass;

        // Create cell
        var split = new Entity.PlayerCell(this.getNextNodeId(), client, startPos, newMass, this);
        var splitSpeed = 130; //150 * Math.max(Math.log10(newMass) - 2.2, 1); //for smaller cells use splitspeed 150, for bigger cells add some speed
        split.setMoveEngineData(splitSpeed, 32, 0.85); //vanilla agar.io = 130, 32, 0.85
        split.ignoreCollision = true;
        split.restoreCollisionTicks = 10; //vanilla agar.io = 10

        // Add to moving cells list
4. Changed some parts in function onConsume in Virus.js
Virus.prototype.onConsume = function(consumer,gameServer) {
    var client = consumer.owner;

    var maxSplits = Math.floor(consumer.mass/16) - 1; // Maximum amount of splits
    var numSplits = gameServer.config.playerMaxCells - client.cells.length; // Get number of splits
    numSplits = Math.min(numSplits,maxSplits);
    var splitMass = Math.min(consumer.mass/(numSplits + 1), 36); // Maximum size of new splits

    // Cell consumes mass before splitting

    // Cell cannot split any further
    if (numSplits <= 0) {

    // Big cells will split into cells larger than 36 mass (1/4 of their mass)
    var bigSplits = 0;
    var endMass = consumer.mass - (numSplits * splitMass);
    if ((endMass > 300) && (numSplits > 0)) {
    if ((endMass > 1200) && (numSplits > 0)) {
    if ((endMass > 3000) && (numSplits > 0)) {

    // Calculate endmass and virus splitspeed
    endMass = consumer.mass - (numSplits * splitMass);
    for (var k = 0; k < bigSplits; k++) {
        endMass *= 0.75;
    var endSize = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(100 * endMass));
    var virusSplitSpeed = (endSize + Math.min(200 / endSize, 1) * 500) / 3.6;

    // Splitting
    var angle = 0; // Starting angle
    for (var k = 0; k < numSplits; k++) {
        angle += 6.28/numSplits; // Get directions of splitting cells
        gameServer.newCellVirused(client, consumer, angle, splitMass, virusSplitSpeed);
        consumer.mass -= splitMass;

    for (var k = 0; k < bigSplits; k++) {
        angle = Math.random() * 6.28; // Random directions
        splitMass = consumer.mass / 4;
        gameServer.newCellVirused(client, consumer, angle, splitMass, virusSplitSpeed);
        consumer.mass -= splitMass;

    // Prevent consumer cell from merging with other cells

Keep the original function newCellVirused in GameServer.js I'll add the correct version here because i suspect many of you might have already changed it.

GameServer.prototype.newCellVirused = function(client, parent, angle, mass, speed) {
    // Starting position
    var startPos = {
        x: parent.position.x,
        y: parent.position.y

    // Create cell
    newCell = new Entity.PlayerCell(this.getNextNodeId(), client, startPos, mass, this);
    newCell.setMoveEngineData(speed, 15);
    newCell.ignoreCollision = true; // Remove collision checks

    // Add to moving cells list
5. Replaced function onCellMove in Teams.js (also same changes needed to TeamX.js and TeamZ.js but i didn't bother as i don't play them)
Teams.prototype.onCellMove = function(x1,y1,cell) {
    var team = cell.owner.getTeam();
    var r = cell.getSize();

    var xd = 0;
    var yd = 0;
    // Find team
    for (var i = 0; i < cell.owner.visibleNodes.length;i++) {
        // Only collide with player cells
        var check = cell.owner.visibleNodes[i];

        if ((check.getType() != 0) || (cell.owner == check.owner) || ((cell.nodeId <= check.nodeId) && (check.owner.disconnect <= -1)) || (cell.ignoreCollision) || (check.ignoreCollision)){

        // Collision with teammates
        if (check.owner.getTeam() == team) {
            // Check if in collision range
            var r1 = check.getSize();
            var collisionDist = r + r1; // Minimum distance between the 2 cells
            if (!cell.simpleCollide(x1,y1,check, collisionDist)) {
                // Skip

            // First collision check passed... now more precise checking
            dist = cell.getDist(x1,y1,check.position.x,check.position.y);

            // Calculations
            if (dist < collisionDist) { // Collided
                var newDeltaY = check.position.y - y1;
                var newDeltaX = check.position.x - x1;
                var newAngle = Math.atan2(newDeltaX,newDeltaY);

                var maxMove = Math.max(Math.ceil(Math.max(r,r1) / 2), 360); //for smaller cells use push out speed 360, for bigger cells (5.2K+ mass) add some speed
                var move = Math.min(collisionDist - dist, maxMove);
                var moveCheck = move * cell.mass / (cell.mass + check.mass); //bigger cells push harder against smaller cells
                var moveCell = move - moveCheck;
                var sin = Math.sin(newAngle);
                var cos = Math.cos(newAngle);
                check.position.x += (moveCheck * sin) >> 0;
                check.position.y += (moveCheck * cos) >> 0;
                xd += (moveCell * -sin);
                yd += (moveCell * -cos);
    cell.position.x += xd;
    cell.position.y += yd;
6. Next change is the bug fix for failed splitkills

This change assumes you also have the change for ejected mass collisions i posted earlier in #345. You'll have to make your own small adjustments if you don't have that code.

    // Calculate new position
    var sin = Math.sin(this.angle);
    var cos = Math.cos(this.angle);
    if (this.cellType == 0) {
        //split movement and consume check for player cells
        var maxTravel = r; //check inbetween places (is needed when cell has higher speed than cell radius) - max inbetween move before next check is cell radius
        var totTravel = 0;
        do {
            totTravel = Math.min(totTravel + maxTravel, speed);
            var x1 = this.position.x + (totTravel * sin);
            var y1 = this.position.y + (totTravel * cos);
            var xSave = this.position.x;
            var ySave = this.position.y;
            this.position.x = x1;
            this.position.y = y1;
            var list = this.gameServer.getCellsInRange(this);
            for (var j = 0; j < list.length ; j++) {
                var check = list[j];
            this.position.x = xSave;
            this.position.y = ySave;
        while (totTravel < speed);
    } else if (this.cellType == 3) {
        //movement and collision check for ejected mass cells
var cell = new Entity.PlayerCell(this.getNextNodeId(), player, pos, mass, this);
newCell = new Entity.PlayerCell(this.getNextNodeId(), client, startPos, mass, this);

I think that's all!

Hope you like the new physics. If something doesn't work or you have any other issue with it, please let me know.

Oh, and here's my personal preference: in function splitCells in GameServer.js i'm using a different formula for splitSpeed which is just a bit faster and has a further splitdistance than vanilla agar.io

var splitSpeed = 150 * Math.max(Math.log10(newMass) - 2.2, 1);

Have fun with it!

Lukkez commented 8 years ago

C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Ogar-master\src>node index.js C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Ogar-master\src\entity\Cell.js:228 }); ^

SyntaxError: Unexpected token ) at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16) at Module._compile (module.js:414:25) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12) at Module.require (module.js:366:17) at require (module.js:385:17) at Object. (C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Ogar-master\src\gamemodes\Experimental.js:2:12) at Module._compile (module.js:435:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10)

C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Ogar-master\src>pause Errors...

retslac commented 8 years ago

@Lukkez hmm, strange. I'm guessing you have a missing closing } bracket somewhere in Cell.js

Here's the whole calcMovePhys function from Cell.js

Cell.prototype.calcMovePhys = function(config) {
    // Movement engine (non player controlled movement)
    var speed = this.moveEngineSpeed;
    var r = this.getSize();
    this.moveEngineSpeed *= this.moveDecay; // Decaying speed

    // Calculate new position
    var sin = Math.sin(this.angle);
    var cos = Math.cos(this.angle);
    if (this.cellType == 0) {
        //split movement and consume check for player cells
        var maxTravel = r; //check inbetween places (is needed when cell has higher speed than cell radius) - max inbetween move before next check is cell radius
        var totTravel = 0;
        do {
            totTravel = Math.min(totTravel + maxTravel, speed);
            var x1 = this.position.x + (totTravel * sin);
            var y1 = this.position.y + (totTravel * cos);
            var xSave = this.position.x;
            var ySave = this.position.y;
            this.position.x = x1;
            this.position.y = y1;
            var list = this.gameServer.getCellsInRange(this);
            for (var j = 0; j < list.length ; j++) {
                var check = list[j];
            this.position.x = xSave;
            this.position.y = ySave;
        while (totTravel < speed);
    } else if (this.cellType == 3) {
        //movement and collision check for ejected mass cells
        var collisionDist = r * 2 - 5; // Minimum distance between the 2 cells (allow cells to go a little inside eachother before moving them)
        var maxTravel = r; //check inbetween places for collisions (is needed when cell still has high speed) - max inbetween move before next collision check is cell radius
        var totTravel = 0;
        var xd = 0;
        var yd = 0;
        do {
            totTravel = Math.min(totTravel + maxTravel, speed);
            var x1 = this.position.x + (totTravel * sin) + xd;
            var y1 = this.position.y + (totTravel * cos) + yd;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.gameServer.nodesEjected.length; i++) {
                var cell = this.gameServer.nodesEjected[i];
                if (this.nodeId == cell.nodeId) {
                if (!this.simpleCollide(x1,y1,cell,collisionDist)) {
                var dist = this.getDist(x1,y1,cell.position.x,cell.position.y);
                if (dist < collisionDist) { // Collided
                    var newDeltaY = cell.position.y - y1;
                    var newDeltaX = cell.position.x - x1;
                    var newAngle = Math.atan2(newDeltaX,newDeltaY);
                    var move = (collisionDist - dist + 5) / 2; //move cells each halfway until they touch
                    var xmove = move * Math.sin(newAngle);
                    var ymove = move * Math.cos(newAngle);
                    cell.position.x += xmove >> 0;
                    cell.position.y += ymove >> 0;
                    xd += -xmove;
                    yd += -ymove;
                    if (cell.moveEngineTicks == 0) {
                        cell.setMoveEngineData(0, 1); //make sure a collided cell checks again for collisions with other cells
                        if (this.gameServer.movingNodes.indexOf(cell) == -1) {
                    if (this.moveEngineTicks == 0) {
                        this.setMoveEngineData(0, 1); //make sure a collided cell checks again for collisions with other cells
        while (totTravel < speed);
        x1 = this.position.x + (speed * sin) + xd;
        y1 = this.position.y + (speed * cos) + yd;
    } else {
        //movement for viruses
        var x1 = this.position.x + (speed * sin);
        var y1 = this.position.y + (speed * cos);

    // Border check - Bouncy physics
    var radius = 40;
    if ((x1 - radius) < config.borderLeft) {
        // Flip angle horizontally - Left side
        this.angle = 6.28 - this.angle;
        x1 = config.borderLeft + radius;
    if ((x1 + radius) > config.borderRight) {
        // Flip angle horizontally - Right side
        this.angle = 6.28 - this.angle;
        x1 = config.borderRight - radius;
    if ((y1 - radius) < config.borderTop) {
        // Flip angle vertically - Top side
        this.angle = (this.angle <= 3.14) ? 3.14 - this.angle : 9.42 - this.angle;
        y1 = config.borderTop + radius;
    if ((y1 + radius) > config.borderBottom) {
        // Flip angle vertically - Bottom side
        this.angle = (this.angle <= 3.14) ? 3.14 - this.angle : 9.42 - this.angle;
        y1 = config.borderBottom - radius;

    // Set position
    this.position.x = x1 >> 0;
    this.position.y = y1 >> 0;
Ogarunite commented 8 years ago

Retslac, i'm very fond of your work! Can I contact you by E-mail, I have a project i need some features to be added. I'll pay.

By the way: This bug: fixed bug: sometimes when you tried to splitkill someone you never caught your opponent and it appeared you went right through him

I believe it only occurs on bots, and not normal players. Well sometimes it occurs to normal players too, but i think it shouldn't with slower split.

ghost commented 8 years ago

what about this? 3

retslac commented 8 years ago

@ItzLevvie @Agarian don't know why that happens. Can't exactly see what happens either as it's a static image. Doesn't happen on my side. What did you guys do for this to happen. Is it possible you guys are using some modified version?

retslac commented 8 years ago

@Ogarunite You can contact me if you wish, although don't know if you have my email. No need to pay, everything free. I'll help you if I can. But not sure if i have the time for it.

ghost commented 8 years ago

nope its fresh from github

ghost commented 8 years ago

that worked^

Ogarunite commented 8 years ago

@retslac Is there a way to E-mail through github?

ghost commented 8 years ago

but pressing w crashes server: TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodesEjected' of undefined at Cell.calcMovePhys (C:\Users\owner\Downloads\Ogar-master\Ogar-master\src\entity\Cell.js:181:48) at GameServer.updateMoveEngine (C:\Users\owner\Downloads\Ogar-master\Ogar-master\src\GameServer.js:575:19) at GameServer.cellTick (C:\Users\owner\Downloads\Ogar-master\Ogar-master\src\GameServer.js:352:10) at GameServer.mainLoop (C:\Users\owner\Downloads\Ogar-master\Ogar-master\src\GameServer.js:386:29) at wrapper as _onTimeout at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)

ghost commented 8 years ago

is there a way to keep ejected mass collision with this? for that collision the calcmovephys here would be overwritten by the one discussed in issue #345

retslac commented 8 years ago

@Agarian @ItzLevvie ok, thx ItzLevvie. It's on my part. I am using a previous version of Ogar. It seems the SimpleCollide function has changed since then. I hope not too much of them have changed. I will have to investigate further. The ejected mass collision should also still work. Will look into that too.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@ItzLevvie i'll go with your build since it worked. idk why mine didn't work.

retslac commented 8 years ago

@Ogarunite Don't know. I'm kinda new on github. Maybe you can send pm's on github? Don't really wanna post my email here in public.

Ogarunite commented 8 years ago

Okay yeah I understand. I'll check.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@retslac you are an amazing coder no lie.

retslac commented 8 years ago


I suggest anybody who wants to try this to use ItzLevvie's version until I have the time to make the appropriate adjustments so it'll also work with the latest version of Ogar. Can't really do that at my current location, so will have to wait for now. Hope I can fix it soon. I'll post update when ready.

ghost commented 8 years ago

i wish you good luck :+1:

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@retslac I tried using @ItzLevvie 's version but it made no difference :(

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@ItzLevvie I have no idea how to.. New to github aswell.

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

This? http://prntscr.com/9qv3sy

BaumanDev commented 8 years ago

@ItzLevvie Alright, I'll try.