Ogmo-Editor-3 / OgmoEditor3-CE

The Community Edition of Ogmo Editor 3
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Editor runs slowly when working with big maps #164

Open tobyalden opened 4 years ago

tobyalden commented 4 years ago

I've been using Ogmo Editor 3 to make a metroidvania-style game with a very large map (about 5000px by 13000px). As the map's gotten bigger and more populated, the editor has started to run so slow it's almost unusable. In particular, resizing large entities (e.g. an entity that's 500px by 6000px) causes it to hang for a long time. It seems to affect both PC & Mac builds.

Ohmnivore commented 4 years ago

I did a quick test with a dummy 5000px by 13000px map and it ran ok (tested a few tile operations + resizing huge entities). So either my level is too simple or my machine handles it better. To dig further:

  1. Can you share the project and level? If privacy is a concern you can make a dummy version or replace assets by placeholders - as long as it causes the same lags on your end.
  2. Is the entire Ogmo window running slow constantly, or does it only slow down during specific actions? Can you add more details?
  3. If we still can't mirror the issue using 1 and 2 then we could use profiler reports (ex: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041468414-Record-a-Chrome-Performance-Profile) to find the bottlenecks.
tobyalden commented 3 years ago

Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner. Here's the project file and map in question: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k_enUCfh-H0YVblGXzW44vBoNrKtUExV/view?usp=sharing

It seems to slowdown the most when I resize objects and place nodes. To be more accurate, it hangs - I'll try to resize something and 10-15 seconds will pass before it unfreezes and shows me the result of resizing.