Oheers / EvenMoreFish

An advanced fishing plugin based on MoreFish, created 2 years after its last update.
MIT License
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Fish caught history & all time tracking #264

Open sarhatabaot opened 6 months ago

sarhatabaot commented 6 months ago

Really related to #215 & #232 . But more specific. Also I'm already working on this.

The idea is to track every single fish caught event.

playerId, fishId, rarityId, date, compType, relevantValue, biomes

playerId = Player uuid fishId = The name of the fish rarityId = The rarity of the fish date = date & time the fish was caught compType = competition type relavantValue = length or value biomes = biomes the fish was caught in

We should also track the largest/highest value of the specific specimen caught per user. As well as globally. We should also track the amount of times a specific specimen has been caught, per user. We should also track the largest/highest value fish caught per user. As well as globally.

These should be done separately of the history, but at the same time.

We should also have a command that let's us view the history per pages.